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Pathetic/ benign/ accept it/ undermine

Joey sat at a local bar sipping a beer. He hasn't heard from (Y/N) in two months and saying he misses her would be an understatement. He blames her for their break up because it's easier than blaming himself.

"Stupid bitch," he mutters to himself.

Joey has gone crazy with out her. He hears her in his sleep and sees her in his dreams. He wishes she would stop haunting him.

Joey pays for his beer and then walks out into the night sky.
The rain pours down but Joey ignores it and keeps walking.
He has been sober from about a month. Getting drunk has become a curse for him. When he's drunk he starts seeing her, he wishes she would stop haunting him and just leave him be.

Joey walks up the steps to his house and unlocks the door.
When he's inside the safety of his home, he strips off his clothes. No one is home with him so it doesn't matter if he walks around naked. His clothes are drenched.

Joey grabs a blanket and walks down to his basement.
He spends most of his time inside his basement, practicing his drums.

Joey feels as if (Y/N) was being pathetic for leaving him but at the same time he feels pathetic himself. He knows he fucked up but he's not ready to admit it yet.

Joey sits down on the stool of his drum kit. The only thing that keeps his naked  body from touching the seat is the blanket that he has wrapped around his waist.

Joey picks up his drum sticks and starts rapidly beating the drums. He's just experimenting with new things at this point.
Joey hits the drums as fast as he can, he gets a rhythm going and he sticks with it.

He looks at the clock that he has in the basement and notices it's five in the morning. He's been playing for five hours, nonstop. His hands hurt and have a red line across them from holding the drum sticks for so long.

He grabs the blanket and carries it upstairs with him. He yawns, he's hoping that he will be tired enough to not have dreams.

A dreamless sleep is a peaceful sleep to him.

Joey drops the blanket on his floor and flops down on his bed. He doesn't bother to pull the sheets over him.

As Joey starts to drift off to sleep, he starts to smell something. He sits up in a panic. He looks around the room but he doesn't smell the sent anymore. When he sets his head back down he smells it again.

Joey sits up and grab his sheets. He pulls them to his nose and that's when he realizes the sent is coming from them.
Joey feels tears prick his eyes, his sheets smell like her.

"Fuck!" He yells as he throws the sheets off his bed.

Joey grabs his hair and lays down on his back.

"Why does everything have to remind me off her!" Joey growls.
"She fucking left me!" Joey screams.

He still can't wrap his head around it, it feels like just a day ago that they where a happy couple.

Something crawls over Joey's chest and he looks down to see one of his cats.
He smiles as he scratches its head.

"Hello baby," he smiles.

The cat purrs and snuggles into Joey. Joey smile as he feels his eyes get heavy.
He wraps his arms around the little kitty and falls asleep.

(The next morning)
(Joey's point of view)

I wake up to the bright light blazing through the windows.
"Fuck," I groan as I get out of bed.
I wrap my arms around Mokey and carry Mokey into the bathroom with me.
I set him (A/N: I don't know the gender of the cat so if it's actually a her then I'm sorry) down on the counter.

I grab my toothbrush and brush the taste of alcohol out of my mouth.
I spit and rinse. Last night was exhausting.

I grab Mokey and walk out of the bathroom. I set Mokey down and walk into my closet. I put some boxers and a slayer shirt over my naked body. Then I walk down the stair.
When I get into my kitchen I grab some cereal and pour it into a bowl. I take my food to the couch with me and eat while I write in my notebook.

I have become obsessed with getting (Y/N) back, this notebook shows how obsessed I am.

I flip to the next blank page and write down some more ideas I have of getting her back. If Chris saw this book he would probably burn it. All of the ideas I have written in here are extremely dark and forceful but that's where my head is at right now.

I sigh, I don't want to hurt her again but I can't just go up to her and beg for forgiveness. We all know how that went last time I did that.

I put the notebook into a drawer and turn on the tv.
Two of my younger kitties, Maximus and Maverick crawl into my lap.

"Hello guy," I smile as I give them ear scratches.

They purr and Maverick nibbles on my finger.

I sigh as I look back over at the drawer that has my book in it.

I'm going to get her back and that's final.


(A/N): Thank you for reading! I felt like this was a good start to this story! Don't forget to like and comment and all that Jazz!! Happy Wednesday!

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