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Don't condescend, don't even disagree

                •Your point of view•

The doctors allow you to leave the hospital but they tell Joey that he has to keep an eye on you for a couple of days.

You grunt. You don't want to spend a couple of days with Joey.

Joey leads you to his car and you follow behind him in silence.

You're filled with so many emotions. Rage, hurt, love.

The kiss you shared with Joey was nice. You could feel yourself melting into him and that scares you. You wanted to hold him to you forever and get lost in his beautiful blue eyes.

Joey opens the door to his car for you and you get in.

Joey starts the car and starts driving down the road.

You look out the window and away from Joey.

Keeping your mind off him while he's right next to you is going to be impossible.

Joey keeps driving to a fancy part of town and your eyes go wide. You look over at Joey.

"We are not going to your house," you say through gritted teeth.

"We are," Joey says calmly.

You shake your head.

"No. You can't make me," you bark.

Joey sighs.

"(Y/N) clearly you can't take care of yourself properly and plus how are you going to do things with one hand," Joey mentions.

You look down at your hand and sigh. You totally forgot about your injured hand.

"All I need is one hand to hold a bottle," you mutter.

"Well how are you going to open it? With your feet?" Joey teases.

You roll your eyes, Joey is right you won't be able to do much with one hand.

Joey pulls into the drive way of his house and you feel yourself getting nervous.

Joey opens the door to his house and you follow him inside.

You remove your shoes and look around.

It feels like forever since you've been here but it still looks very much the same.

Joey takes his jacket off and sets it inside his coat closet.

You make your way over to the couch.

You sit down and look at the bandage covering your hand, at least it's not leaking blood like it was the other day.

Suddenly you feel something brush against your leg.

You look down and notice one of Joey's cats Mokey.

You smile and pick the cat up into your arms.

Mokey purrs and gets comfortable against you.

You cuddle up with the fuzzy cat and smile.

"They've missed you," Joey smiles.

You look up at Joey and nod.

"I've missed them too," you admit.

Joey sits down on the opposite side of the couch.

You focus on the cat in your arms and how snuggly Mokey is.

You stroke Mokey's fur and Mokey purrs.

You look over and see Joey smiling at you.

"What?" You ask him.

Joey shakes his head and bites his bottom lip.

"Nothing," he says.

Joey gets up and walks into his kitchen.

You look around at the house, you've missed it here.

You rest your head on one of the couch pillows and sigh, everything smells like Joey. It's an intoxicating scent that you don't want to give into.

Joey sets some tea and a sandwich down in front of you.

"Thank you," you murmur.

Joey nods and he turns on the tv.

You appreciate the noise.

Joey hands a blanket to you and you pull it over yourself.

You try and not think about the man sitting right next to you but it's impossible.

You resist the urge to crawl into his lap and hold onto him like you used too.

You think back to the last few weeks you had with him, you have no clue why it went so wrong.

"(Y/N)," Joey says.

You sigh as you look over at Joey.

He's eyes look almost pleading and you can't help but want to hug him.

"Hmm?" You question him.

"Can we talk?" He asks.

"Aren't we already," you sigh.

Joey snickers.

"I just- I've got some explaining to do," Joey says.

You roll your eyes.

"I don't want to hear it," you tell him.

"You're going to have to hear it though?" Joey says.

You sigh, you know how Joey is when he wants something. He always gets it.

You motion for him to say whatever's on his mind.

"The last few weeks of tour when everything went to shit, I was so mentally unwell. I felt awful and self conscious about everything. And then we were arguing and you weren't happy. And I wanted to be there for you and I wanted to make you happy but I couldn't even make myself happy. I'm sorry I was such an asshole to you, I shouldn't have taken my anger out on you, you didn't deserve it at all. I've never been good with processing negative emotions and I guess I just let them take over, I'm sorry. And then on the last part of tour, I realized what an ass I was to you. I should have apologized and tried to make it better but I let my fear get in the way. I was so scared I was going to lose you. I thought you where moving on and that you wanted nothing to do with me. I shouldn't have been forceful, I shouldn't have slammed you into that wall. I shouldn't have scared you like that. I was so scared and I reacted awfully. There's not a day that goes by where I wish I had just sat down and had a conversation with you like adults. There's not a day that goes by where I don't regret the fear I instilled in you. I'm so sorry. I know this just sounds like a bunch of excuses but I just wanted you to know how I actually feel and felt. I don't expect you to forgive me," Joey explains.

You take a moment to process everything Joey has said.

You sigh and rub your neck.

"I can't forgive you Joey but I appreciate the explanation," you sigh.

Joey nods.

"I really want to trust you again and to allow you to be mine but I can't Joey, I can't. I'm so scared of what's going to happen. I just can't do it," you sigh.

Joey mumbles something.

"(Y/N) we can work on this together we can mend the broken pieces," Joey says.

You shake your head.

"We can't, I can't," you whisper.

Joey shakes his head.

"We can. If we try we can. I never meant to hurt you. I will do anything and everything to make sure I don't hurt you again. We can work on this," Joey says.

You shake your head and sigh.

"We can't," You mutter.

Joey sighs.

"It'll take time but we can," Joey says.

You know Joey's right but you're scared. You don't want to give into him.

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