𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝑒𝓁𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃

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Tsukkishima woke up a bit earlier than Yamaguchi. He stared at his face, the early morning light seeped through the window and shone on his face. Yamaguchi's eyes fluttered open and he yawned. "G'morning Tsukki.." he said with a sleepy smile. Tsukkishima rolled onto his back "good morning."

The two got up and went to the kitchen for breakfast. Tsukkishima slipped on his glasses and sat beside Yamaguchi as they ate the omurice that Suga had made. "This is so good~! don't you think so, Tsukki?" Yama asked excitedly. Tsukkishima nodded.

"I wonder how the beach will be today..? I heard it was gonna be windy.." Yama frowned as he looked at his phone for the weather. "I guess we could go before the wind picks up!" he smiled again. Tsukkishima felt the corner of his mouth curve upwards, he quickly looked away. The blonde loved Yamaguchi's smile, it made him feel warm and happy.


Yamaguchi ran towards the water with his board. He laughed as Tsukkishima ran to catch up to him. "Hurry up Tsukki!" he said as he paddled out into the water, giggling to himself. Tsukkishima stayed silent and paddled up next to him.

They sat on their boards waiting for a wave as they talked and joked about random stuff. "Ah! Tsukki! Here it comes!" Yamaguchi got ready to catch the wave. Tsukkishima did the same. The wave swelled and Yama stood up on his board, riding on the top. Tsukki stood up next to him. "Wah~! This is so much fun~!" Yama said as he grinned with excitement. His wet green hair blew around his freckled face. Tsukkishima looked at him, this boy. The boy who'd gotten him to come to the beach even though he barely knew him, who'd shown him how to surf, Yamaguchi was like a star. He shined so bright, he glowed, he sparkled, he radiated happiness. Just being around him made Tsukki feel amazing.


The wind picked up and Yamaguchi shivered. Tsukki tossed one of hoodies onto his head, "here." Tsukkishima looked away to hide his blush. "Ah-thank you Tsukki!" he smiled and pulled the hoodie on. It's smelled just like Tsukkishima, strawberries and vanilla frosting. He sniffed the sleeve and held in a happy noise. It smelled so good, no better than good. The smell was intoxicating. Not to mention the warmth and how the sleeves flopped over his hands. He loved it.

wjdujfic I can't believe people actually like this story?! like, thanks!! I hope this chapter tickled your fancy :^) one of my friends helped with some ideas so go give them some love! eatdogs209


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