Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

          It was not part of the plan to run into guards on the way back to my chambers. My father left me, he went to go and gather some papers, which could help me get out of the castle, in his personal chambers.

          There are two of them; dressed in heavy amour and have swords at their sides and backs to me. The one on the right is smaller so I assume he just yearned his keep as a guard. The one on the left however, is way larger. The dim lighting in the narrow hall didn’t give me away right in that passing moment. There’s no way around them, of course. It’s a tiny corridor. The construction of the castle happened a long time ago. Ages back.

          I think off all of my past sessions with my instructors. Knives and blades I can work with better, but fists will have to do. You know how to do this. Do it already. This minute will leave you forever. Act on it.

          I round the corner and face the guards fully. Chin high.  “Gentlemen, what in the world are you doing in this part of the castle?” they turn to look at me. The little one answers with a nervous smile, which surprises me.

          “We-re just- ya know.” he gives out a chuckle. “Guarding like normal guards do. What are you doing here girl?” the smaller guard stumbled over his words as the big man stays quiet, obviously nervous.

          I narrow my eyes at them and they shift uneasily. “I live here. My name is Amila and yours are…?” something here is not right. They scream suspicious and they still don’t sit right with me.

          I wait for an answer with eyebrows raised and try to plan this attack. How do I take them down? How can I? I look harder at the small one, noticing bright blue eyes, soft black hair and a sharp face. He’s super short. He looks like a twelve year old. Not old enough to be a guard. His armor hangs on him.

 He gives me a lazy smile and blurts out, “I’m Boomer and this big guy is Keith.” Boomer slaps a hand on Keith’s shoulder. “But you can call me Boo for short. I’m a scary guy.” he has that same smile on his face that shows his dimples. Scary? Yeah right. I don’t think he could hurt anything. Boomer, assuming that’s his real name, has a smile that welcomes you. Don’t trust.

Keith gives Boomer an elbow into his side and Boomer lets out a wheeze. “What are you doing?” Keith hisses, trying to keep his voice low. “Don’t tell her our names! Are you insane?” in return, Boomer starts to bicker with his friend about trusting me.

Keith is at least two feet taller than Boomer and has more body weight. His eyes sometime flicker to mine, only to drop back to Boomer; who is going on about somebody named Mike now. Keith has short brown hair and soft brown eyes. But I don’t let his boyish looks fool me. He’s built like Ox. With his muscles popping out of his shirt.

“Stop,” I command Boomer who is still talking. Silence goes down the stone, dim hallway. Two sets of eyes turn to me as they hear the authority in my words. “You guys forget I was here and I forget you were here, alright?”

Boomer buffs out his chest. “And why shouldn’t we just take you down to the prison?” he spoke with a lower octave voice. Then it hit me.

To their odd actions and weird talking. And the clearness of both of their wrists.

          I smirk a little bit, figuring out this piece information.  . “Because. You’re both hidden.”  I almost laugh at their scared expressions, but I keep up a poker face. I can see their acts fall. Their going to lose this.

“H-how? How did you know?” Boomer asks earning another elbow to his stomach. Keith looks very angry to Boomer.

“You’re a fool ya know.” Keith sneers to Boomer. Keith turns to me, eyeing me. “I’m not a hidden child, but you on the other hand look like you could be one. You are covered in filth. She looks like she just slept on the floor, huh Boomer?” Boomer looks scared out of his mind along with Keith who is trying to cover it with anger and I can almost feel the fear radiating off of the two.

It’s unreasonable to feel fear. My mother’s voice pops into my head.  I look to their hands. Their wringing them together, maybe they know that their done for. You can tell a person’s emotions by their hands and you can see the affect you have.

“Run.” I whisper. Another wave of surprise washes over their faces. I can’t let these kids get caught in the castle. It would be the end of their already short lives.“Get back to the other boarders where you can hide.”

Keith tries to muster up some more anger, but fails. He ends up whispering, “Why?”

I raise my eyebrow in confusion, but answer anyway. “Why indeed, but maybe you’re asking the wrong question. Now go. I can’t guarantee your safety after this. Till next time.” I slip past the two boys and hurry to my room. I try not to think about them as I’m grabbing things I might need. If their caught, I shudder. Death will become more familiar than life.


Im sorry it's taken so long to update. 

ANYWAY! I really hoped you liked this update. What do you think of Boomer and Keith? I like them. If you have some ideas that you want to see this story turn, Message me! I don't bite...hard. :)

Im also on a mission for good hedgehog jokes, so if you have one, put it in the comments!




happy day :)


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