Google Maps - Gerard Way

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- "Dude!! You are stupid!!"- Frank kept laughing. Tears filled his eyes as he stared at the computer screen. Next to him, Gerard looked embarrassed.

- "No!! You don't... fuck! that wasn't supposed to happen!!"- he yelled and walked around his friend's kitchen, scratching his head, not really knowing what to do or say. 

- "How the fuck did Mikey find that?"

- "He said it's all over Twitter."

- "Oh shit!!"- Gerard yelled with wide-opened eyes, while Frank kept laughing at his face- "This is never gonna disappear from the internet, is it?!"

- "Nop"- Frank managed to answer, as tears of laughter fell from his eyes- "Dude, fanfictions will be written about this moment!!"

- "Fuck you!"

- "Don't hate me! You are the one who fucking smashed his head against a stop sign and got caught in google map street view!!"

- "I didn't smash it!!!"- Gerard tried to explain, but the picture was crystal clear. He had even dropped his Starbucks coffee. It was all there, on the web, for anyone to see.

- "And how the fuck did they find it?! and how did they know it was me?!"

- "I don't know, but I'm so glad!!"- Frank wouldn't stop laughing, so Gerard grabbed his cigarettes, his cup of freshly ground coffee and walked to the backyard.

- "Oh! come on, man!"- Frank followed him after a few minutes after, when he was slightly calmer, though his face was still red after laughing so hard- "It's not that bad."

- "You've been laughing for an hour at that picture!!"

- "So you smashed your head against a street sign, big deal!"

- "It's on fucking google maps. Do you know how often they update those images?? never!! I'm gonna be there, smashing my head forever!!"

Frank couldn't help it. His friend was so upset over something so stupid, and he couldn't stop laughing. 

- "Oh fuck off!!"

- "Sorry! Sorry!! but what the fuck were you staring at??"

- "Nothing"

- "You don't do something so stupid over anything."

- "I was texting"

- "So concentrated?"

- "Well! you were fucking hilarious!!"- Frank frowned- "I was texting you!"

- "And are you blaming me for this amazing moment?!"

- "No! Yes!"- Frank stared at his friend and smiled.

- "It's stupid being upset about this, and you know it."

- "I don't like looking stupid."

- "Said the guy who moans on stages, pretends to suck a cock, and does that stupid kung fu shit I still don't get!"

Frank laughed again, but finally, he managed to make Gerard smile. 

- "Dude, it's not a big deal, so get over it!"

- "Fine,"- Gerard mumbles and looks at the ground- "I'm not texting you ever again, though."

- "Fucking bullshit! you'll text me the next puppy picture that crosses your Instagram feed, and you know it."

Gerard didn't answer. He knew it was true. He also thought he better tweeted about this whole deal to play it cool. It was easier to laugh at himself than standing at people laughing at him.

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