Siren's Song

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Author's note: So sorry for the delay! Apparently, we'll be pushing through with school this August despite the pandemic, sooo I won't have time lazing around all day! BOOHOO. Aside from that, there's another major action-packed chapter coming up ahead that I wanted to get over with, hence the SLOW update.

Alright, enough excuses. Enjoy, Hunters~!

Siren's Song
"Those words are very. . . nostalgic."

"It's in the middle of freaking nowhere?!" Nike yelled and cursed inwardly.

"So, it appears to be," she heard Hades reply on her phone.

Nike groaned and massaged her temples. "Why did I let you talk me into this?" she whined and walked with a heavy heart.

"It's not like you have a choice," Hades reasoned. "You're the only one who's currently available and capable. I doubt the other members could take down a group that Mnemosyne can't."

"You give Mnemosyne too much credit," Nike argued. "She's just a child, and every gang she encountered so far were amateurs. You need to be stricter with her Hade-nii."

Hades sighed and remained silent.

"That child is beginning to be as troublesome as I am. If she gets into trouble, she should at least know how to get away from it, sheesh. I will have to talk with her after this," Nike said and put on her sunglasses. "And what's with this weather?! It's too humid, and sandy, and bright! This heat is absurd!" she complained over the phone which made Hades face palm.

"Let's just get on with it," Hades said and clicked on a few things in his computer.

"Hurry. My skin's beginning to get irritated. I need some shade."

"Try to keep up then," Hades said and leaned on his chair. "N35°E, 70 meters."

Nike sped off towards the direction Hades mentioned, ignoring the sun and dust. If she isn't quick enough, Hades will unmercifully dictate all the coordinates until she can't keep up with it.

"N67°W, half kilometer."

"Go right from that fork. Follow the road for 56 meters. You'll be going off road after that."


After a few more directions later, Nike halted. A few meters away from her stood an abandoned building and looked completely dilapidated.

"Is that it?" she asked.

"Seems like it."

"Thanks," Nike answered and hung up, placing her phone in her pajamas' pocket.

Nike took her time walking towards the building's entrance, feeling numerous pairs of eyes watching her.

It's useless to try to be discrete by using Zetsu since it's as clear as day that the enemies are expecting Nike. The lady activated her En, the advanced application of Ten and Ren, extending her aura to a radius of three meters. She could increase the distance her aura can reach but three meters should suffice since she only wants to be cautious. Three meters would be enough for her to retaliate and dodge any incoming attack if needed. She also doesn't want to alarm the enemies by extending her aura just to know the building's floor layout and find out how many enemies should she expect. They might harm Mnemosyne if she does that.

If Mnemosyne's kidnappers really asked for her like what Hades said, they wouldn't do anything remotely harmful to her and will stick to the deal. She can't fully rely on that though. There is no assurance that Mnemosyne's unharmed or will remain to be. After all, they requested for her. They must need Nike for something so Mnemosyne would just be collateral damage.

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