Big Bang Knock

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Big Bang Knock
"Big Bang Impact!"

"Nike!! We're almost near your place!" Athena squealed as she pressed her cheek against the zeppelin's window.

"Really?" Nike poked her head out of the kitchen's door. She saw most of the members gazing down below as well.

"WE'RE ALREADY AT THE BORDER!!!" Athena announced energetically making Nike shake her head. She's so full of energy even when it's still five in the morning, something that Nike is envious. All she wants to do is sleep, but her hungry cousins just won't allow it. They even dumped ice water in her bed so she could cook for them!

The nerve of these people. . .

Someone entered the kitchen and Nike didn't bother to look. She's busy flipping pancakes and making sure the bacons weren't burned.

"Good morning," she greeted. "Did you need something?" If you have no business in my kitchen, get out.

"I just came to get myself a glass of water," Ares responded with a yawn.

"There's warm water in the dispenser, but if you like it cold there's some in the fridge," Nike said and flipped a pancake over.

Ares moved in silence. Nike concentrated in transferring the bacon in a serving plate before preparing another batch.

She was a bit shocked when Ares placed his large hand above her head and ruffled her hair. "Thank you. . . and I'm sorry," he said in a whisper.

She knew they weren't talking about water anymore. The lady smiled and handed him a small bowl of peeled and sliced apples. "Eat fruits before breakfast." Her twinkling sea green eyes met her cousin's own blazing embers.

Ares smirked and munched on one, knowing his apology was accepted. He left the kitchen with the bowl and a glass of water in his hands. Nike wouldn't want him messing around the kitchen anyway.

"No apples for me?" Hades asked from the door frame he was leaning on. His voice was still in monotone but had a slight mix of tease. Nike scowled at his brother, pointing the spatula she was holding at him to shoo him away.

"Get out of my kitchen."


"Eh?! You guys are leaving too?!"

Nike looked at her cousins like they have grown ten horns in each of their heads. They all had their luggages ready, and was also looking at her like she was silly.

"Well, duh? You aren't the only one who's going home," Hera said exasperatedly which Nike promptly ignored. She wasn't in the mood to put the bitch in her proper place.

"We will be going back to our respective Domains. I have to personally check on Artemis and see if she is getting any better," Paean replied, giving her a meek smile.

Nike still had her eyebrows knitted in confusion but replied nevertheless, "Oh. Well, see you guys soon, I guess." A faint smile broke from her lips.

Athena jumped on her and tackled her with a hug. "Come visit The Medusa soon will yah? Let's have a contest!" she said, referring to the Mafia's biggest casino and gambling grounds.

Nike gave her an unsure smile. "I'll have you know when I'm around."

"Are you sure you won't stay at the Manor? Father and Mother are expecting you," Hades called from the side.

Nike shook her head. "Maybe not now. Tell them I said hi though."

Hades starred at her with blank, sea green eyes, hoping to elicit more response from his sister.

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