The Cute Girl

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Taylor sat on the third floor of his school's library studying for his abnormal psychology midterm. 

It was Eleven O'clock on a Friday morning, he didn't have class, and yet he was in the library, studying. 

The midterm wasn't until the following Wednesday, but he still felt unprepared for it and thought that preparing early would be best, especially because recently the class had been making him feel uncomfortable.

 He was convinced that he had one of the disorders they had been studying. Even though he hadn't been diagnosed yet, a majority of the symptoms seemed to line up.

This discomfort in class had made it hard for him to be mentally present during the lectures; this discomfort had grown to the point where he had even started seeing a therapist. The therapist had told him one way to cope was to avoid studying that specific disorder. 

With this in mind, Taylor had brought himself to the library, and now forced himself to study, while attempting to avoid looking at that specific disorder.

As Taylor stared at the paper, shifting back and forth in his seat, a girl in black clothes walks by; she immediately notices him. 

Her black hair covers part of her face, it swayed as she hurried by. 

She finds a seat a couple tables down from where Taylor sat. She sits down and finds herself locking eyes with him.

 The moment was sudden, but amazing. 

Subtle, but ever so clear; there was a connection between them, and now the girl knew it for sure.

A couple tables down from where Taylor was sitting, a girl in dark attire and black hair had sat down. 

She had caught Taylor's attention as she had made her way to the seat, 

Who was she? 

But then as she sat down, he felt a twinge of remembrance, something about her was familiar; they locked eyes. This girls eyes were the most beautiful he had ever seen,

 she smiled at him and he smiled back.

The girl in black, knew him well, she sat in back of him in their abnormal psychology class, yet he had never noticed her before, until now. 

Now, in this beautiful moment, they finally were having their first greeting, the first moment. 

She couldn't look away, neither could he. 

The sight of her put him in a trance. 

But then he remembered that he had to study, because of the very busy weekend ahead of him. And if he didn't get this studying in now he may not be prepared for the midterm.

Taylor breaks the eye contact first, timidly moving his gaze back down to the papers and notebook in front of him. 

Upon breaking the eye contact, the girl in black quickly shifts her gaze to the right, as if something had caught her eye, but nothing in actuality had, she was just attempting to cover her tracks. 

The girl sitting next to her, whose direction the girl in black's gaze had fallen upon, looked over at her with a look of disgust, then returned to looking at her own papers.

A couple tables down, Taylor's thoughts, though he was looking through the pages of his notebook, were not thoughts of abnormal psychology, but of this girl. 

He hesitantly moves his eyes up from the pages of the book to catch a quick glimpse of the girl; while Taylor's eyes slowly raised, the girl's slowly lingered back over to his as well. 

They both caught each other's gaze once more, this time they both blush and quickly look away. Taylor smiles at this, the girl in black giggles. The girl, who earlier had given the girl in black a look of disgust, again gives her another, followed by a grumble.

The girl in black gives a little 

"Hmph," noise to demonstrate her dominance over the other girl. 

Taylor this time, had only looked at his notebook for a moment before returning his attention to the girl; only to find that her gaze had remained on him. 

Taylor smiled at her, the girl smiled back. 

Just then a large boy breaks their view of each other, as he attempts to push in between the two tables to find a seat. For a moment it appears as if the man was about to sit down, right where Taylor's view of the girl would be obstructed, but then he continued on. 

Taylor lets out a big sigh of relief and shakes his head, still smiling at the girl. She shakes her head, likewise, returning the smile.

Suddenly Taylor's stomach felt heavy, he had to use the bathroom, and badly. 

Taylor's facial expression changes to a grimace. 

The girl in black's expression follows with a look of fear, 

What had she done? 

Taylor makes an awkward expression, an embarrassed smile, then quickly rises from his seat and heads towards the bathroom. It felt like he had taken some laxatives and they had suddenly started to kick in. 

Taylor bursts into the bathroom. 

This one was gonna be bad, he didn't want to be cooped up in one of the small stalls, where there wouldn't be air to breath, so he heads directly for the big handicap stall ahead of him.

Slamming the stall door behind him, he races over to the toilet, sits down and begins to relieve himself. 

A sigh of relief leaves his lips, just then the door to the bathroom opened. 

The door hits something. 

Taylor halts all of his bodily relieving. 

The sound of something scraping against the door fills the bathroom. 

Taylor freezes in fear. 

Then the door shuts with a bang, startling Taylor.

 The sound of something rolling over the tiled floor is heard. 

Taylor's heart beats rapidly in his chest, just then the rolling of the wheels stops. 

Suddenly the walls of the stall shake. 

A voice from the other side: 

"Hey is there anybody in there?"

The Cute Girl, Timone and RemyWhere stories live. Discover now