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Kyla🍯 POV

" ugh " I groaned at the yelling my mom was doing at me

" you know what go to your room " my mom yelled at me

" but mom I need to go back to school shopping 🛍 with my friends " I said back

" what does that have to do with me, no one told u to hang out with that boy " she hissed because the hot oil burned her

" omg mom why do u have to be so rude " I cried running up to my room

I slammed my door and locked it. I let out a huge breath and sighed. She was going on about how I left the house to go hang with my best friend dejuane

and she doesn't like him for god know what. They've meet before when I invited him over for dinner cause she wanted to meet the boy who I've been on ft with

all night and day and I she did and just didn't like him. She doesn't want me to be friends with him nor hang out with him. She likes monte and Jesseaca but

not dejuane. I go to johns creek and I only have three friends who are dejuane,monte and Jesseaca. I'm excited for this new year and make new friends

hopefully there are some students at this boring ass hell hole 🕳. But anyways back to what my mom is still yelling at me about.

" yea mom " I yelled back

" the door " she yelled

" who is it " I yelled back not wanting to get

" this ugly ass boy and some other people " she yelled and I automatically new she was talking about Dejuane

" tell them to come up " I yelled back

Two minutes later a group of girls and boys walked in my room and the only people I new was dejuane monte and Jesseaca.

" come sis time to go shopping " Jesseaca said pulling on my shirt

" who are all these people and hey monte " I got out only to be mugged by dejuane

I was wearing a oversized shirt with Nike pros underneath and he hates when I were shorts. He says it attracts to much attention from the boys.

" hey sis " monte said giving me a hug

" wassup dejuane " I said walking over

" what I tell u bout wearing these type of clothes " he said tugging on my shorts

" stop it dejuane I've been home inside all day fuck I look like putting on pants in this hot ass house " I says fed up with this

" since you wanna dress like a hoe don't talk to me " he said sitting on me bed

" you actually do annoying and how the fuck am I dressing like a hoe " I asked sitting beside him

" your got these tight ass small ass shorts on and have a big shirt to make it look like your trying to cover up when your just trying to make it look like u got no pants on " he said laying his head in my lap

" aww 🥰 y'all are so cute " a girl with blonde hair said

" are y'all dating " one with long straight black hair said

" ohh no that's just my bestie 💛" I said playing with his hair

" y'all would look so cute " a boy with black curly hair said

" no I would never date her, she's just my best friend" dejuane said

" I know but y'all would actually be tuff 😎" the same boy said

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