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Friday, October 31 2019
📍Atlanta, Georgia 🍑

" ugh dejuane hurry up out the bathroom " Kyla groaned in frustration

" wait a minute I'm trying to do my hair " dejuane yelled back

" well hurry and get out the bathroom, you know I got to get in there and your taking all this long " a mad Kyla yelled

" shut up Kyla " dejuane yelled back

" fuck u I'm going in the guest room " Kyla staid stomping out dejuane's room

As she walked into dejuane's guest room she remembered that she left her towel and makeup in dejuane's bathroom since he literally picked her up

and slammed her on the bed and ran in the bathroom like a little kid. She sighed and walked out going back to dejuane's bedroom. She walked in

and knocked on the bathroom door waiting for a response from dejuane.

" what Kyla, thought you were going to the guest room " dejuane sighed

" I am but I left my towel and makeup in the bathroom " she explained

" ugh hurry up " he said

She smiled as the door unlocked and opened revealing a naked dejuane in just a towel. She covered her eyes and he smirked.

" you know you can uncover your eyes your can't see nothing " dejuane laughed

" yea but your in a towel, and weren't you suppose to be dressed " she said

" yea but I do my hair first so I don't get water or curl product on my clothes something you girls should do, walking around with stains until your shirt y'all should be ashamed of yourself's" dejuane went on as Kyla walked out with her towel and makeup bag

" mhm dejuane finish getting ready " she said and went back in the guest room

" ugh finally a shower " she said to herself

She hasn't showered in a day because dejuane and her have been busy working on projects for school. Even tho it's the beginning of the school year they

already have them doing big home projects and etc. She stayed over dejuane's house last night and her mom wasn't to happy that she was with him even

tho she tried to lie and say she was with Jesseaca but Jesseaca didn't know that Kyla said that so she ruined Kylas plan to lie to her mom but Kyla wasn't

upset at Jesseaca because it wasn't her fault it was more Kylas then Jesseaca's. Kyla and dejuane been up all night so they didn't have no sleep and were

moody all day at school and reallly tired but they got all there assignments and projects past in and got good marks on the ones they graded fast.

" this feels so good and relaxing " Kyla groaned at the hot water hit her skin

Kyla got changed into a pair of ripped denim shorts with a black thrasher shirt and a pair of white vans and left her wavy hair out. She sprayed her

favourite perfume that smelled like vanilla and bananas. She applied little makeup like she always does and applied a pink nude lipstick then a clear

lipgloss over top of it and put mascara on and left her face at that. She didn't like to wear to much makeup she tries to make it seem as natural as

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