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Dejuane 🦋 POV

" you like her don't u " Justin asked as we looked at shoes in footlocker

" like who ? " I asked but already knew who he was talking about

" you know exactly who I'm talking about " he said looking at me with a face 😒

" Kyla " I said

" duh 🙄 but u like her " he said again

" no I don't she's my best friend " I said

" hey can I get these in a size 10 men's please " I asked the worker
( A/N sorry Idk his shoe size 😢🤔)

" yea " she said and winked at me

" eww she's ugly " I said

" stop it " Justin said laughing his ass off

" get the fuck up justin " Andre said walking over

" do y'all like these " Kay said walking over with a infant shoe

" kay who tf are those for " I asked laughing

" for my child " he said making everyone gasp 😦

" I know your lying " Julia said coming out if know where

" where did she come from " Justin tried to whisper to me

" idk " I whispered back

" Julia it's just a joke calm down" Kay said trying to calm down a now angry and crying Julia

" dude some jokes aren't funny " Kyla said holding Julia back from attacking Kay

" and I get that but this joke wasn't even for her to hear " Kay said getting defensive

" wow calm down and stop yelling at her " Brooklyn dumb ass

" ya girl no one is yelling at her there talking " Justin said

" shut up Justin " Brooklyn said walking away

" Justin stop being so rude to people " monte said chasing after Brooklyn

" he's pussy whipped " Justin said making me laugh

" and you think it's funny " Julia said

" no I'm laughing at what Justin said about monte " i

" better be " Julia said

" who is she talking to " I asked Justin

" idk but it's not me " he said

" it can't be me " I said pointing at myself

" come on Julia " Monique said pulling her away

They walked away by Kayla stayed back with us.

" wow what a drama queen 👸 " kyla said looking at the same pair of shoes I got

" leave my girlfriend alone, you don't even know her" Kay said

" ok and leave Kyla alone you don't know her " I said

" aww 🥰 look at you standing up for your little girlfriend " Justin teased

" shut up " I said punching him lightly on the arm

" ouch 🤕 " he yelled

" bitch shut up it wasn't even all that hard " I said to him

" yes it was your heavy handed " he said in all serious

" Kyla am I heavy handed " I asked her

" yep you left bruise on my arms and legs every time we play wrestle " she said laughing

" aww I but your play wrestling turns into sex " Justin said laughing

" no, where do I even get this from I'm still a virgin " Kyla said confused

" don't lie, I heard that rumour about your and dejuane " kay said

" yea, that you and dejuane went to a party and had sex in one of the guest rooms at Kaylas party " Justin said

" OMG thats just a Rumour and it's not true " Kyla said mad

She ran off. I sighed because she got bullied for a month because of that rumour and it's not true. I had a little to much to drink and she doesn't know

how to drive and Kayla said we could stay so she brought me to the guest room and locked the door and I fell asleep but everyone thinks we spelt

together when we didn't and it's all my fault. Maybe if I would have listened to her and slowed down my drinks I wouldn't have been so drunk and not be able

to go home or even walk straight and talk normal then this wouldn't have been a rumour and she got bullied because of me and if I could go back and

change it I would and I would take the blame or not even get the drunk again.


How was the second chapter 😁🥰❤️🍯

Next chapter will be a flashback 🙃🥰

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