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Dejuane 💋 POV

" man why are u still up " Andre asked

" I'm waiting for something " I said going on Snapchat

" what are u waiting on " he asked taking a big gulp from the apple juice

" on Kylas ft call " I said sending my streaks

" Kyla probably sleeping, like u should be " he said putting the container back

" yea, but we always ft at night " I said getting up

" maybe she got to tired and feel asleep but man you got practice in the morning and after school so I advise you to get your rest " Andre said walking out

That's true. On Monday's, are coach likes to put us to work and have a morning practice and a after school practice, and its annoying cause I'm tryna chill on

Monday but I can't. We ether have morning practice in Monday, Wednesday or when we have a game and if we have a big game we'll have it in the morning at

lunch and after school and before the game, but we still undefeated so it don't effect us like how it used to. I sighed and took a big gulp out my water and got

up. I pushed the chair back in and walked off cutting off the lights. I walked upstairs well ran because I got scared. Don't ask why. I went to my room and shut

the door and sat on my bed out of breath. I walled I'm the bathroom and did my night hygiene and put a hair mask in my hair. After brushing my teeth in

rinsed off my face mask and shut the lights off going to my room. I plugged my phone in and shut my bedroom lights off and changed my led lights to a

dark blue and turned the brightness down a bit. I changed into a pair of basketball shorts and a wife beater the laid down. I turned my tv on and went to

Netflix and turned on sponge bob on. I laid down and pulled up my covers. Sponge Bob got annoying and I just turned my tv off and laid back trying to fall


Kyla 🍯 POV


My annoying ass alarm went off. I opened my eyes and mugged my phone and sat up rubbing my eyes. I looked and seen Jayla walking out the bathroom

fully dressed and was ready to go. I sighed and
looked at the time and seen it was 5:50. I sighed and laid back down.

" come on Kyla get up " Jayla taped my head

" I'm. Up " I said getting up

It was 6:00, and school started at 6:55-7:00 but I usually get there at 7:05. I walked in my bathroom and did morning routine. Once I finished a walked

out the bathroom and picked out my outfit and grabbed my lotion and perfume and walked in the bathroom. I changed into my outfits

 I changed into my outfits

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