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Kyla 🍯 POV

" come on jay " I called Jayla's name

" comin " she said finishing her drink

We ran out to the car and rushed to get in then put are seat belts on and I drove off going to pick Monique up.

" girl took I long enough " Monique said getting in the back

" sorry mom made breakfast and her right here she's slow " I said pointing at Jayla then drove off

" sorry my eyeliner smudged and I'm not going to school lookin like a crackhead, no not I " she said lookin the the mirror

" true but guys I need to find a place to stay " Monique said sighing

" why " I asked pulling off

" cuz I don't wanna live here no mo " she said pulling out her phone

" I mean me and Jayla are getting a condo together is you wanna join us, ya can " I said Stopping at the red light

" thanks, love 💕 to " she said

" np but we're going today to go find a nice condo or penthouse for us " i said pulling off soon as the light changed

" kk " she said

I pulled up to the school and we all got out and went to meet up wit everyone at are meet up spot in the football Field. I went to the vending machine and got

me some sour patch kids and a pineapple Fanta then caught up wit Monique and Jayla. We walked out the gym doors that leads us to the football field. I seen

everyone sitting on the bleachers waiting for us since we all got the same first period that's like two hours long and for what ready Idk but it's irritating being

in that class but the best thing is that she puts a movie on then let's us do whatever and falls asleep and we also have these bean bag and different types

of couches incase someone wants to sit there cuz we don't have chairs in desk in this class. If not you can sit on the floor that's hard as shit and hurt your ass

or sit in these comfortable ass couches or chairs and have a nice nap 😴 like what I always does, wit dejuane right beside me. Jesseaca noticed me and

ran over tackles me to the floor and I hurt my back.

" come on Jess I got my brand new polo sweater on and your getting it dirty " I said pushing her off me

" sorry 😁" she said giving me a smile that was full of teeth

" ewww bitch yo teeth yellow, and you breath stank, go brush em 🤪😭" I said standing Up

" why you gotta lie so much and be so mean 😢" jess said wiping her invisible tears 😭

" take my pictures " Julia said coming from under kay

I nodded and she handed me her phone. I took a few pictures then gave her phone back and sat down Beside monte. The first bell 🔔 rang and we all got

up and walked to are first class. I sat down in my regular seat and Jayla sat beside me and Monique sat in there other side. I looked around and noticed

Dejuane wasn't here which was weird cause his mom would kill him if he wasn't 5 minutes late. The teacher put on a scary movie and I hate scary movies

so I asked to go to the bathroom. I got a bathroom pass and walked out going to the vending machines and got me some snacks. I looked to the side were

the door is and seen dejuane walk in and he looked so drained and tired and sad, sick 🤒. He walked to the office. I hid behind the corner and waited for him

to pass. I heard his heavy feet stomped towards me and I popped out scaring him. He mugged me and I smiled. I opened my arms for a hug and he denied

and walked right pass making me sad. I caught up to him and grabbed his arm and made him turn around and look at me.

" what's wrong Juane " I asked

" nothing kyla " he said trying to get out my grip

" no, your not leaving until you tell me what's wrong" I said

" nothing kyla, now leave me alone " he kinda yelled and got out my grip walking away

I sighed and walked back to class.

Hey sorry I've been so un active on this book 🥺
I've been working on my king combs book and I was wondering if I shout drop it 😁

What do y'all think 🙈

If you don't know what he looks like here 😘

If you don't know what he looks like here 😘

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