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Dejuane🦋 POV

" y'all seen Kylas friends post " Kay said standing up

" yea why? " I questioned him

" bro she's fione 🥺" Kay said

" you ain't lying but what happened between you and Julia " Justin said dapping him up then sat back down

" she's tripping and I caught her up in a lie and I guess she found a new nigga so " jay said sitting back down

" what she lie about " I asked curious

" she was texting other niggas and when she seen me looking at baby shoes as a joke she forgot that she could have been pregnant so she mad e a big deal for nothing, Kyla was right she's a big drama queen " Kay sighed

" all I'm saying is get her " Andre said

" how are u and Monique " I asked since he's all up in everyone's else business

" me her are fine, but did y'all know she had a kid " Andre said eating some of his hot Cheetos

" no nigga, is it for u " Justin asked

" no for the nigga who raped her " Andre said covering his mouth realizing what he just said

" sorry y'all where not supposed to hear that or know that so forget it " Andre said kinda mad and walked off

" wow I learn something new everyday in this house" I said

We all share a house together, idk why I agreed with this but I did.

" I'm going to see my mom see if she cooked " I said standing. Up

" bro can I come, your mom knows how to throw it down in the kitchen " Justin said

" I don't really care " I said

" wait are u going to see your mom or Kyla " Justin asked

" both " I said

" ok I hope she still wit her fine ass friend " Kay said

" who said your coming " Justin said

" me nigga " Kay said putting on his shoes

" sup beans " I said as bean are camera guy walked past with his computer

" wasssup juane " he said calling me by my nickname

" alrighty let's go " I said standing up grabbing my keys that were beside me

" aye can I tell kyla that I said to yell Monique to answer my texts " Andre said drinking lemonade out the carton

" ewww nigga people gotta drink out of that " i scrunched my face up at him

" bitch shut up this mine" he said letting out a big burp

" your fucking nasty " Justin said before leaving

" like this nigga can talk " andre said

" what's was that " Justin said walking back in

" nothing g bye "Andre said

We walked out getting in my car. I connected to the Bluetooth and played my playlist.

I parked my car in my moms driveway and cut off the engine and getting out. I looked across and seen that Kylas lights where on. She's at her moms house

and that's a surprise. I walked in the house and seen my mom cooking. I walked behind her giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

Kyla 🍯 POV

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