Needing Answers

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"WHAT?!" Lydia said, choking on her water. "He is back?! We need to put protections on the house! Adam, you get the moon water; I'll go get the salt; where is my-" Lydia was cut off by Adam.

"Slow down! Maybe... Maybe he isn't bad any more! I mean, you some times talk about him; back when you two were best buddies. You said he wasn't so bad! So, maybe he really has changed..." Adam said, calming down Lydia.

"Well, I mean, I guess, but that's not the point! the point is, he might hurt you guys. When I was with him, he was very unstable, and-" Lydia tried to say.

"There! 'unstable'! Maybe he is stable now! Maybe-" Adam started to ramble.

"Adam, listen to yourself! Do you really want him back?! He sexually harassed you! Why are you defending him?!" Lydia reminded Adam.  He stood there thinking about what he had said. Adam didn't know why he wanted BeetleJuice back. 

"I... I don't know... I just... I don't know." Adam struggled for the right words, even though he didn't know what he wanted to say.

Lydia smiled deviously. "Do you Liiiiike him?" she teased.

"wha- NO! of course not! I just... UGH! I DON'T KNOW!" Adam exclaimed, frustrated. Barbra came down stairs to ask what was all the yelling about, and that she was trying to sleep. After a while, and a lot of explaining, Barbra understood.

"Well, why don't we summon him? we could, like, I don't know, tie him up or- or trap him; that way he could wreck the place." Barbra proposed. Adam thought about it, liking the idea. Mean while, Lydia was on the opposite side.

"I don't think that is a good idea. How would we tie him up? He's a ghost- a demon, for Christ's sake!" Lydia protested. She did not like the idea of BeetleJuice being back.

"Ugh... Well, how 'bout we sleep on it? Literally, though. I'm tiered." Adam said, standing up to back to bed.

"yeah... yeah, OK..." Lydia nodded, getting up.

Lydia went into her room, and Adam and Barbra went to the attic. The Maitlands had built separate rooms in the attic. One for Barbra, one for Adam, and a guest bedroom that Lydia some times slept in. Adam and Barbra weren't really married any more, but had remained friends. They often hung out like a couple, but decided to just be friends.

Adam was about to lay down, when he had a thought. What if I summoned BeetleJuice? no, no i have to be alive. but it couldn't hurt to try, could it? Besides, I want to talk to him. what? No! what am i thinking?! ugh, I'm to damn tired to even think straight... and with that, Adam went to bed.

A/N: yo, sorry about the short chapter. i myself am too tiered to think straight. i will be disappointed if no one gets the joke. its about the whole, y'know, bein' gay thing...? Also! Sorry i forgot to put a warning at the beginning of the book, i meant to say somthin' like: oOH this story cusses and shit gets real sad. idk, I'm real tiered. if you are reading this at night, GO TO BED!! any ways, hope you liked this chapter. this is based on the musical, not the movie. 

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