You Speak French?

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Beej woke up and got dressed. He couldn't remember how he got to his bed, but eh. he didn't remember a lot of things. He went down stairs and saw Adam, Lydia, Barbra, and Delia in the living room all chatting. it looked like Delia was getting ready to go to work. Beej guessed that Charles was already at work. He lept off the stair cased and landed right next to Adam.

"Hey babe! what are you guys up to?" he smiled.

"oh, we were just talking about different languages, and how different they are from each other. Lydia wants to learn either Italian or Spanish, but she doesn't know how different they are from each other. and then Adam started to talk about how he knows French and how fluent he is with it, and that french is sorta similar to Italian, but not quite, and I think its not at all similar, and, well even i dont know if they're similar, i dont speak Italian. what do you think, Beej?" Barbra explained enthusiastically. 

"I doubt if he knows another language." Lydia said flatly.

"Well, I know a few things in french. Im surprised that Adam knows it, but that just makes it even better." BeetleJuice said looking devious; his hair turning a deep shade of red; almost like wine.

"What? What makes it better? And why do you have that look on your face?" Adam said looking nervous.

"HA! you? know how to speak French? yeah right!" Lydia laughed.

"Hey! At least give him a chance, Lia!" Barbra said. "go ahead, Beej!"

"If you insist~!" BeetleJuice said leaning in towards Adam as he sat down next to him. BeelteJuice's hair turned a sparkly magenta color. He brushed Adam's hair behind his ear as he spoke this, "Zut. Vous êtes très belle aujourd'hui. tu veux baiser?" he smiled

Adam's face flushed. He stared at the flirtatious Demon looking at him. "Of course you know how to flirt in french." he sighed. 

" Oh my god. Of course he does, hes BeetleJuice!" Lydia said laughing. "what did he say?" 

"oh.. u-um..." Adam stuttered.

"Oh, I just called him beautiful. thats all. nothing more. " He winked at Adam, before putting an arm around him.

Adam just sat there in utter confusion and embarrassment for a little while. The others talked about every languages; from romance languages, to traditional languages and every thing in between.

after a few minutes, Beej noticed Adams silence. "You ok, babe?" he whispered.

"dont call me that, please." Adam pleaded.

"oh sorry. bad habit."


"yeah, I tend to call every one babe or babes."

"why, the two different ones?

"what do you mean?"

"why not just babe for everyone? why both babe and babes?"

"well, Babe if its a guy, babes if its a gal. sometimes they're inter changeable. I don't know. Im not very good with names, so i call who ever what ever."

"huh. why are you not good with names?"

"well when your 108 years old, things get harder to remember."

"do you ever forget my name?"

"Honey, i could never for get you."

"god, you're so cheesy."

"ha ha! well, thats me for ya. A cheesy dumb ass."

Adam smiled. "well, i don't think you're a dumb ass." 

"Adam. Honey. My Sweetness. My sunshine. Come on now. You've seen me run strait in to a wall on accident."

"Well- lots of people do that, I-" Adam tried to say.

"I can't fucking read." Beetle said in a monotone voice.

"Language! At least sound more sophisticated!" Adam protested.

"I doth not understand how to readeth a text." Beej said, in a Shakespearean-like voice.

"Some how worse." Adam spoke, shaking his head slightly.

A/N: Hey, sorry i haven't written in a while. i didnt really know what to write next in the story. if you're wondering what BeetleJuice said in french, it's "Damn. You look Beautiful today. Want to fuk?" so thats why Adam was so embarrassed. I actually know how to flirt in french. and speak it of course, but i recently found out how to flirt. and my friend hates it, because they dont take to compliments to well, let alone flirting. any ways, i hoped you like this chapter. i know its short. but at least its something.

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