Part 5....

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I pushed open the dorm door after the last bell, I had gone for a walk around grounds, just to make sure I wouldn't be back to early. Luckily for me Rebecca, TJ, Tyler and Kendall were all sitting on their beds, Rebecca as normal with her headphones in while the other three just gossiped.

"Doubt I'll be stuck here for much longer," I smiled, throwing my over the shoulder bag on my bed, "Both Louis and I have a months detention, we were 'cheeky'. His a bit of a pervert isn't he?"

"Who? Louis?" Tyler asked, resting her book on the table next to her bed.

"Yes of course Louis," I rolled my eyes, "Mr Myers." I combed my fingers through my hair, making the front stand before flattening it down again.

"You didn't tell Louis ri-..." Kendall piped up but stopped halfway as I shook my head at her.

"It's up to you what happens not me..." Though, if it was me, I'd probably tell him. It's god damn obvious he felt the same way so why carry on the Romeo and Juliet role?

"Well you're a step closer to being kicked out at least..." Rebecca said, putting her headphones back in her pocket. She looked out of the window, I could just see what she was looking at. Some of the boys were out on their football pitch, I could see Liam jogging around with the ball, Louis and Zayn chasing after him... Hmm, Does Rebecca have a little 'Thing' for Liam?

"I guess..." I sighed, "I mean I did want to leave, and I still want to but now..." I had someone I wanted to get, some I wanted to fall in love with properly... I shook my head however, "Never mind."

"Well congratz, you're the first person ever not to be sent to the headmaster in a lesson with Mr Myers. Feel proud," TJ laughed, tossing her book on the table next to her bed too.

"I do feel proud, but it would be nice to have seen my uncle," I replied, twirling my hair around my finger. It was a habbit I had picked up from my mum... Whenever I was thinking about something, or anxious, I'd twirl my hair...

"Oh! Niall and April have had an argument!" Tyler announced, looking up from her phone.

"Oo, spill the beans!" I didn't want to sound or look too interested, it was only my first day so if I was too into their fight it would be obvious I might like Niall, but if I just acted like I wanted to know but didn't give a damn I'd be in the clear.

"Well, after the dance thing she followed him down the corridor then they got in a fight about it..." Wasn't that roughly when I was sent out of the class? And Niall was getting the water bottles? Now I thought about it, he wasn't in his gym clothes, he was in his uniform still... Had he been bunking too?

"She slapped him around the face, so he stormed off really upset..." Tyler finished, "According to Zayn, Nialls got quite a red cheek."

"Louis told me that Niall wasn't in PE either, or Maths..." Kendall added, a love sick grin spreading across her face when she said Louis' name.

"Oh..." TJ raised her eyebrows, she looked quite sympathetic.

"Last I heard he was in the forest with Harry," Tyler shrugged, popping a stick of gum in her mouth. She offered it around but no one took it... I was trying hard not to smile, April and Niall might be near the end... But that doesn't mean I should be happy they are... Besides I joined the school today, it's unlikely he actually fancies me already!

"Well I'll go down and check on them, Chelsea wanna come with?" TJ asked me. I nodded, it would be nice to get some fresh air... We both left our blazers with the others, walking out of the dorm down the corridor.

"Hope they're both okay..." I tugged my cardigan tighter across me, I should have grabbed my hoodie realistically but as normal, I forgot how freezing the British weather could be. We reached the fire exit after dodging about seven teachers, according to TJ I had a lesson with three of them today which I had purposely missed.

We rushed down the stairs, shutting the door quietly behind us as not to draw attention to ourselves.

TJ grabbed my arm halfway down the stairs, looking right into my eyes.

"Harry and I are dating..." She whispered, checking to see if anyone had heard, "You can't tell anyone!"

"Promise," I grinned. Its the eyes what do it... Everyone I had ever met trusted me with secrets, I had worked out a few years back it was my blue eyes, they were angelic... Add on my blonde curls, you could say I looked like an angel... But it didn't mean I behave like one.

We carried on climbing down the stairs, heading towards the entrance of the forest. The grounds of the school were rather dull and dated, but the forest looked magical... Like how they're in movies, where you expect an Elf or a Fairy to dash out and start dancing. It was breath taking.

Further ahead I could hear both Niall and Harry's voice, both of them laughing. However I couldn't see them... It was a short walk until we reached a magnificent lake in the centre of the forest. I scanned around, looking for that hint of curl's or blonde hair... Nothing...

"Maybe their pulling a prank on us?" TJ suggested, "Come on guy's knock it off!"

There was a loud thud, both TJ and I span around to see what it was... Nothing there.

"Must have been an animal..." I shrugged, but my heart was beating hard... I was scared. It was a strange place to me, and I didn't want to be here... Alone... In a dangerous place. I tugged at my cardigan sleeve as TJ took a few steps closer to the lake. The water looked stunning, perfect reflection of the whole forest... I looked up at the sky for a second.

Snap! Someone had stepped on a twig, then a hand covered my mouth, another pulling me backward. I managed to let out a small scream as they pulled me behind a bush...

"SHH!" An Irish voice whispered in my ear, "We're tryna scare TJ..." I turned my head sort of, catching a glimpse of both Harry and Niall

"Whose there?" I heard TJ say, I could just imagine how scared she was feeling right now... Harry quickly jumped onto his feet, in one swift movement he ran towards TJ, grapping her by the waist. He picked her up and span her around, her screaming and hitting his arm.

Niall finally uncovered my mouth, helping me up onto my feet.

"You bastard!" I yelled, a grin across my face, "You scared the heck out of me!"

"But you'll forgive me anyway," Niall shrugged, attempting to do a puppy dog face. I just raised an eyebrow.

"No mister, you shall never be forgiven," I poked my tounge out at him.

"Admit it, you were scared!" Harry teased, finally placing TJ back on the ground.

"I was not!" She protested.

"You screamed so loud the woodcutter in the cottage on the otherside of the forest ran away screaming the big bad wolf's coming to get me!" Harry laughed, Niall giggling too... I didn't get that insult? Were there actually wolves in this forest?

"Are there wolves here?" I whispered to Niall.

"Na, only Liam, he's from Wolverhampton..." Niall laughed. I felt my cheeks go red, okay I just had a slight blonde moment, but oh well... Least I knew there wasn't any wolves here now...

"That makes no sense Harry!" TJ yelled (yay I wasn't the only one who didn't get the joke!), "But I can tell you who should be scared now... You, esspecially when I catch you! RUN!" She smirked, Harry turned on heel and ran away. TJ waited ten seconds before chasing after him, through the forest and out of my sight... Leaving Niall and I alone by the lake...

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