Part 7...

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"Why are you wet?" Kendall laughed as I finally entered our dorm. Tyler as normal was busy texting Zayn, it was cute how those two were always texting, but I felt bad that they couldn't met up as often as they would like. Kendall and Becca were sitting on Rebecca's bed, talking about the homework they recieved I think. April was sitting on her bed, just shooting me the dirtiest looks possible...

"Stepped in a puddle..." I giggled, "Ken, can I ask you something outside?"

"Give me one minute..." Kendall replied, returning to her conversation with Rebecca.

"Why are you wearing my boyfriend's jacket?!" April snapped, glaring at me as if I had murdered someone...

"Oh, he helped me out of the lake and saw me shivering so he gave it to me..." No bad wording! If she'd seen it would seem like I was rubbing it in...

"Slut..." I heard her mutter, but I chose to blank it, there was no point starting a fight... Esspecially when it would be me who was in the wrong. I settled down on my bed, forgetting my clothes were sobbing wet, I switched into dry shoes. I heard a phone go off. A minute later a dark shadow looming over me...

"'We need to talk?', You walk in wearing his jacket... WHAT DID YOU DO YOU WHORE!" SLAP! I threw my hand to my cheek, frowning at what had just happened... Okay maybe I deserved that slap but really? That hard?! Tyler jumped into action grabbing both of Aprils arms, pinning them to her side.


"What the heck is wrong with you?!" I shouted, knowing full well what she meant. I'd just managed to split up her and Niall... Kendall came over to me, pulling me onto my feet as she escorted me out of the room... I could still hear the coversation as Kendall tried to talk to me...

"That little..."

"Chels? What was it about?" Kendall asked me...

"HE WAS OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE ANYWAY!" I heard Rebecca shout... I decided to walk as far away from the dorm I get before April stormed out for round two... CRASH!

"Hey watch i- Oh hi Kendall, Hi Detention buddy..." I looked up, I'd walked straight into Louis... And Louis was with Niall... Oh my god, why was he haunting me! I must have looked like I was about to cry as Niall looked pretty concerned...

"Whats wrong? Why's your cheek bright red?" Niall asked, slipping his arm around my shoulders... Kendall began to tell the story to them both...

I heard a door slam, April turning the corner, I turned my head instinctively inwards, trying to act like I hadn't spotted her.

"She just started on me, blaming me for everything..." I added, I was glad Niall had his arm around me, i'm still in these soaking wet clothes so therefore I was still freezing, his arm was giving me a little bit of heat.

"I told you she was a possessive cow..." Louis muttered, nodding towards Niall. Niall just looked more concerned over me then the whole situation.

"You don't have to share a room with her though..." Kendall flicked some of her bright red hair out of her eyes, Louis just watching Kendall, his eyes hadn't moved from her the whole time.

"Well look on the bright side, now you can date someone human..." Louis laughed, everyone but me laughed... I was scared, I knew April would be out to get me...

"Or at least near being human..." Kendall grinned.

"She's going to get me... I just can tell..." I replied, looking at the ground. I was plotting my way to avoid April for the rest of my school life...

"It'll be fine, I'm here to protect you... And So's everyone else..." Niall squeezed my arm gently. I didn't look up though, it was dangerous to let on anything at this second...

"Awkward moments..." Kendall laughed, "I'm going to my room, I'll see you guys later..." Kendall walked back towards out dorm, Louis slumping off too... Leaving Niall and I alone in the corridor... I turned to face him, letting his arm drop from my shoulder.

"Still keeping the jacket..."

"That's fine..." He grinned, I looked deeper into his light blue eyes... They were about nine shades lighter then my own blue eyes... "Look about April..."

"Don't worry about it, way i'm going she won't have to put up with me much longer..." I didn't want him to feel guilty incase April did get me... He wasn't completely innocent, but I'd rather it looked like it was all me rather then all him...

"And about the forest..." He sighed, "I shouldn't... It's not fair on you and I mean... I couldn't and can't..." I raised my eyebrow at him, shaking my head. It didn't matter about anything anymore. I was more determined then ever to get kicked out of this school now...

"After a few hours, I didn't expect anything like this..." I took of the jacket, handing it to him.

"What do you mean 'Like this'? And I thought you wanted to keep it?"

"Niall, it's too soon for this... And I don't like playing games, i'm not some doll to be played around with..." I took a deep breath, "Come find me when you know what you want..." I turned around, heading down the corridor... But I didn't go to my dorm, I waited around the corner, close enough to be in ear shot, far enough away for him not to see me. I pressed my back close against the wall, listening to what he had to say...

"What I want is to have never met April..." He muttered, "What I want is you..."

My heart stopped for a second, I peeked around the corner, had he really just said that? Oh my god...

"We kinda saw what happened in the forest Nialler..." I saw Harry and TJ now standing beside Niall, Harry resting his hand on Niall's shoulder.

"Then we scarpered when the twig snapped... You need to sort everything out Niall, you can't lead her on..." TJ added before walking towards the kitchen area, probably in search of a drink.

"What do I do Harry?" Niall asked, sounding so upset... Just tell me, break up with April properly and tell me!

"Niall... I'd say follow your heart, but that would only take you to Nandos..." Harry let go of his shoulder, heading back down the corridor towards the boys college...

"What would you do?" Nialla asked... The window? Trust me to fall for the guy who was slightly insane... He let out a laugh, "Look at me, talking to a pigeon..." Oh, joy! There was a pigeon on the otherside of the window! He wasn't insane... I took this as a good time to actually go back to the dorm, there was no point hanging about any longer incase I was caught...

Be My Romeo?          A Niall Horan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now