Chapter 12

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"A-and last but not least this is me and Asami's bedroom...i-i guess for tonight you can sleep with us if you don't mind" Korra said and looked at Korren. Asami had called the hospital to make sure Korren was okay and said he could stay at the mansion with Asami and Korra. "You okay?" Korra noticed Korren was being very silent and well, not like a 5-year-old "I miss my mother" He looked up into Korra's eyes with tears streaming down his face. Korra quickly picked him up and started to tickling him "Well your going to see her tomorrow, and we will have so much fun together okay" Korren nodded as his laughter was too much, Once Korra finished she laid next to him still laughing, "Korra" "Yes"

"can we play hide and seek" Korra's smile reached her ears, Hide and seek was only a water tribe tradishion, and she had not played it for years "Alright i count" Korren nodded and ran out the room.








"and TEN!"

Korra opened her eyes and ran out the room, her smile disappeared she had forgotten Asami's Mansion was huge and Korren could be anywhere. "Korren where are you" But she wanted to keep the game going and plus, her earth bending helped out a lot.  20 minutes had passed and Korra still had not found him until she saw him laying on the floor sound asleep, "wow" Korra slowly picked him up and brought him to her and Asami's bed she laid him on the bed and pulled the covers over him. Korra laid with him on the bed as her eyes fell shut.


"Alright come on i can do this" Asami said to herself as she took a deep breath in and out, she was on her way home and remembered she wanted to end things with Mako, she wanted to be Korra's but she couldn't with him around "Am i really going to do this?" she asked herself, the pain this man has put her through was enough to make her go insane. "Asami is that you?" Asami flinched he had seen her now she had no option but to go in. "y-yes" she opened the door and walked in seeing Mako with a bloodied eye and scars all over his body "Mako!" Asami ran over to the fire bender and kneeled down, she hated him so much, but she still loved him, "w-what happened?" but he did not answer "Mako?"

"i-it was Korra....s-she came here after i had gone to see you and attacked me saying she deserved you" Asami's smile dropped "That doesn't sound like something Korra would do"

Mako winced he covered his stomach he hoped his plan was going to work but, Asami stood up and glared at him "Next week Thursday i want to see you at city hall at 9am i will be filling out a divorce paper you bitch" and with that Asami stormed out, how could he try and frame Korra like that, she knew Mako was lying because Korra took Korren straight to their house right after.

Asami gripped the wheel, why was Mako such a jerk why couldn't he be like Bolin or just be a good person that respects people but no he has to be the one who believes he is on top. Asmai didn't even realize she was home she got out her car. she unlocked the door expecting to hear a lot of screams but it was silent, "Alakard what time is it?" Alakard looked at Mrs Sato then smiled "its 1 am, Miss Korra has just woken up she was asking if you were here" Asami smiled, even hearing korra's name made her feel safe and warm.

Asami walked up the stairs and entered her bedroom to see Korra laying there looking down at a little boy "so is this Korre?" Asami asked Korra nodded "He's five....but what took you so long?"

"Sorry i had to go visit Mako" Korra growled "Korra i know you hate him but i am still married to him" Asami sat down beside Korra, "B-but you should hate him that, that man hurt you Sami, why do you still want to be with him?"

Asami looked down "When Mako came to my office and said he wouldn't mind getting a divorce i had to say n-" "He said that!" Korra stood up clenching her fist she looked over at Korren who was now stirring in his sleep, The avatar grabbed Asami and pulled her out the room "He said he didn't mind getting a divorce but you said no! why!" Korra was trembling with anger, Asami had to chance to be free of all this pain but she chose not to why?

"Because if i divorce him my company wil-"

"Yeah yeah its all about your company what about you, why do you have to go through so much pain" Asami sighed Korra's ignorance sometimes got her furious "Because its a family business it's all i have left of my father" Korra groned "well if you carry on loving Mako your going to die a horrible death and i don't want that to happen" Asami clenched her fist was korra not listening at all "Maybe Mako was right you are stupid!". Korra's jaw dropped was this really how Asami felt. "Fine" Korra walked into Asamis bedroom and picked up korren "Huh? Where are we going?" he asked as he was slowly drifing back into deep sleep "Shhh...its okay" Korra looked at Asami one more time, "I guess i am stupid" Korra walked out the Mansion with Korren in her arms.

Asami stood there still not believing what she said. she didn't believe Korra was stupid infact she knew Korra was smart as hell but she was under so much pressure she said things she would never ever mean to say. 


"Korra? i thought you were with Asami....w-who the little boy" Tenzin had just woken up and answered the door. "Can we stay here tonight i promise i will explain everything tomorrow" Tenzin nodded "This is your home" He opened the door allowing Korra to walk in but while Korra's back was turned he got to look at the little boy she was holding, he looked just like Korra but with curly short hair, Tenzin ran into his and Pema's room and woke his wife up "uh...honey what ti-"

"Korra has a son"

Pema's jaw dropped 


I know i'm posting this much later than i usually do so sorry! i'll post chapter 13 soon

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