Chapter 22 Heo and Korren

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Neither of the two go a bit of sleep that night, Asami was trying to calm down Korra while Korra paced back and forth in her own thoughts. *shes gone* *the one girl who came to me when i needed someone and now shes gone* Korra began to tear up, the Avatar headed for the door "Korra where are you going?" Korra glared at Asami, "we need to tel; Korren he can't be in the dar-" "are you crazy! if we tell Korren how do you think he will take it" Korra sighed "how do i think he will take it? i think he would be a bit happy we didn't decide to hide it from him are you even thinking?" The CEO stood up and clenched her fist "Look both my parents are dead, my father never told me about my mothers death until i was ten and i was perfectly fine" Korra looked up at Asami she couldn't belive what she was hearing, lying to Korren? that was out the book it was preposterous, "Asami we can't fool korren like this, what if he asks to see his mother, then what are we going to do tell him oh sorry honey we found out a long time aho she died like what the fuck!" Korra began to heat up she hated getting into arguments with Asami but it was normal for a couple to disagree with each other, but Korra didn't know why she didn't calm down, what Asami was saying made a bit of sense so there is no reason to still get mad at her so why "i-is their something else you mad at me about?" Korra nodded "Y-you...won't let me marry you!" Asami stood their shocked her and Korra had talked about marriage but Mako was always in the mix, Korra must have noticed the Ceo had taken her ring off. "Never mind, but i'm going to tell Korren" Korra walked away she was now outside her sons room, "Ren? you awake?" Korra and Asami decided to give Korren a nickname and since Kor was already used they thought of Ren. "Yeah Mommy!" Korra opened the door Korren was playing with his toys on the floor

"C-can me you know t-talk about things" Korren looked up at the Avatar and nodded he sat on his bed and made a space for Korra, "A-are you o-okay i heared you and Mama arguing" Korra shook her head "Your Mama and i are fine, i just need to tell you something b-but i don't know how"
"You mean we need to tell him" Asami had walked in the room before walking up to Korren and sitting on her knees, she grabbed Korrens hands and let out a sigh, she looked up at korra, "Remember when i told you when people die, they leave a part of them with us" korren nodded, Korra began to tear up and turned here had whilst Asami looked into those green and blue eyes,

"W-well your mother left a part of herself with you" Korren stayed silent for a bit, it took him awhile to understand and then it clicked, his mother was dead "N-no...y-your lying" Korren began to tremble "N-no i wish i was but s-shes gon-" "No shes not! Mother wouldn't leave me! She said she was going to stay! Its because of you!" Asami's eyes widened and so did Korra's "Its your fault she's gone! My Mother loved Mommy so much! Mommy made my mother smile! and you stole her!" Korren hugged Korra and began to cry whilst Asami sat there shocked.

"Korren i know this is hard for you but none of this is Asami's fual-" "i don't want to stay here anymore!" Korra shook her head "Korren we are your family their is no other place for you to stay"

"Move away from me!" Korren started bending a small bit of water out of a bottle in his room and threw it at Korra and Asami, not long after Korren ran out the room, out the house, out of their lives.

Once Korra got up she looked around the room but Korren was nowhere to be seen, he had diapered he was gone "Asami wake up! Korren he's gone!" Asami opened her eyes and looked around "w-what do you mean gone?" "I mean he ran out the house!..." Korra began to tremble and Asami noticed she grabbed Korra by the shoulders and sat her on the small bed "Take deep breaths we are not leaving until you calm down do you understand" korra nodded and took some breaths before calming down, Asami sighed and let go of Korra "Alakard!" The butler ran into the room, "Have every maid and butler search for Korren! and call my employers tell them the first person to find korren gets a rise in there pay also call chief beifong tell her the Avatars son is missing" Alakard nodded and ran out the room, 


"no less talking and more looking, i love him just as much as you do and i want him to be safe so hurry" Asami grabbed Korra's hand and ran out the mansion.


Meanwhile, Heo sat in her car she had reached republic city a few hours ago, she just didn't want to do the work. "uhh..i hate this place brings back memories" Heo mumbled as she remembered her little brothers cries at night and how her father would wake up just to help him, "why was he the special one" Heo lit a small fire in her palm, it was blue but then turned right back to orange "Bullshit" she got out the car and put her hands in her pocket, being a 13 year old and growing up around a man who never appreciated anybody but himself left Heo in a bad state, she had pitch black hair but her eyes were green. people often mistaken her for a earth bender but that was only because her father was born from a fire bender and a earth bender. Her mother on the other hand,...she didn't know much about. "Ah! Watch it kid!" Heo said a sshe looked down and saw a little boy on the floor, Heo saw him tremble he didn't even get up, she kneeled down to have a look at him, her eyes widened those different color eyes "k-korren?"

Korren looked up he didn't know why but the teenager before him looked so familiar. "sister?" Heo smiled never knew it would be this easy to catch him. Heo held ehr hand out and watched as Korren took it, "We have a lot to talk about" Heo held Korrens hand and walked to her car, she opened the car door for him but realized he didn't get in "w-what if your trying to hurt me?" Heo smiled he was smart reminded her of her father, 

"Hmm...okay...our mother Yori, she should be dead by now right?" Korren growled and looked away "Your a water bender, dad didn't want one he wanted a fire bender like me see" Heo lit a fire in her hand but Korren was still not convinced, Heo growled she went into her pocket and took out a picture of her and baby korren "here" she gave it to him, Korrens eyes widend "h-heorina?" Heo shook her head and pushed Korren into the car "before getting in "Its Heo! and your going to meet dad" Korren sighed.

"Y-your right mothers d-dead..." Heo looked into the small mirror looking at her brothers face, "H-how did you find out?"

"My Mommy and Mama told me, b-but i ran away" Heo smiled "T-that was good of see you and me, we don't belong in those 'Families', see when dad found out you were a water bender he took me and ran away and thats when i was taught of our true power, you see ten thousand years ago our family hated the Avatar, the Avatar humiliated us, and dad is very angry that you became the Avatars son" Korren looked down as tears streamed down his face 

"Uh don't get sad or anything dad still loves you" Korren smiled he jumped out of his seat and faced his sister "Can i call you Rina? my Mama and mommy call me Ren" Heo smiled a bit and hoped Korren didn't see it but he did "You smiled, i made you smile" Heo began to giggle "Fine"

Maybe life with her brother wasnt going to be so bad.

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