Chapter 24

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"You look just like your mother" Xuohing said, he glared at the little boy in front of him "Why did you leave us" Xuohing didn't expect this "So your didn't get that from your mother" Korren sighed "I got it from my Mama". Heo sat in the corner of the room, she had thought about what Korren said, about Love and all, but she didn't need it. "Heo I'm talking to you!" Heo got up immidently "Yes father i am sorry" Xuohing growled and pointed to Korren "Show him to the cell with Mako, i'm sure them to have a lot in common" Heo nodded and grabbed one of Korrens arms, "Hey!" "shut up". 

"Why do you listen to him?" Korren asked as they were now only a few feet away from the cells, "Because he is my boss" Korren looked down, he was a bit surprised when he was pushed into a cell, the floor was cold, "I'll give you some food later," And with that Heo left. 

"So your the little kid they have been talking about" Korren turned his head to see golden eyes, the man's hair was all messy and his eyebrows were very sharp "w-who are you?"

"Names Mako, i used to be good friends with Korra and Asami...but life changes" Korren's eyes widened "Y-your married to My Mama" Mako began to laugh "n-no...well i used to be, you know i loved Asami so much,  i was young and stupid, but for some reason i feel so happy for them, i was stupid to think that i belonged with Asami, I see the way she looked at Korra, there love is beyond anything i have ever seen" Mako shed a few tears while Korren stayed quiet.

"I-i know t-that my mama and mommy will forgive you, t-they don't hate you, you just need to give them time" Mako smiled this kid was defiantly korras "Are you cold?" Korren nodded, Mako lit his hand with a small weak flame and hit the floor making the room a bit warmer "D-do you believe in love?"

Mako nearly choked, he looked up at Korren and smiled, "Well it is weird, i don't think you want to know" Korren smiled and jumped up, he ran towards the fire bender and sat beside him "Tell me Uncle Mako!" Mako smiled and wrapped his arm around the boy.

"Well after a huge battle between Korra and some old man, she went away for 3 years, and during that time, i met a man named Wu, and nearly the whole world knew he had a crush on me, but what people didn't know was i loved him too,his smile, he was so dramatic, and...everything he did was amazing especially his phrase Wu down it always made me want  to laugh" Korren laughed, 

"well instead of waiting to be saved lets escape" Mako looked over seeing Korren walk over to the middle of the cell, "" Mako frowned "w-what are you doing?"

Korren didn't respond, he kept counting before going silent, "I got it! if you burn that corner over there to a certain amount, once it rains which it should by tomorrow then it will form a small whole and the rain will make it easier to dig a bigger whole, so we can escape" Mako was surprised this kid was really fucking smart 

"Hey dibshit!" Korren turned his head to see Heorina standing their glaring at him, "father wants to see you" Korren nodded as he was dragged out his cell.

Once they arrived in Xuohing's office it was all explained "I think i have been to harsh on you and your sister"  Korren growled "so i will give you a chance to prove your worth to me" Korren stayed silent.

"I will give you whatever you want but the one thing you must do for me, is become my soldiers, Korren i know you're a smart boy, and your quite strong not talented but strong, you can think of many ways to attack our opponent, and you my sweet Heorina, well you need to work on that blue flame of yours"

"Father but i can't-"

"Korren will teach you, he may be a water bender, but he has the heart of a fire bender, he will teach you the basics do you understand"

"Heo growled "I'm not going to be taught by a 5-year-old idiot!" Xuohing smiled and walked up to his daughter before punching her in the stomach "You will obey my orders or you will die" Korren walked up to his sister "You can't just hurt her she's your child" Xuohing smiled 

He grabbed Korren and threw him on the floor he lifted his right leg ready to attack the 5 year old but something pushed him out the way "Don't hurt him!" Heo shouted she pinned her father on the floor before seeing him smile "don't star getting emotions now" He pushed the 13 year old off him, "If you really refuse to have Korren teach you, use that idiot Mako i'm sure he knows a few things and one last thing, if you try to escape Korren i will Kill your loving parents do you understand me" Korren nodded 

"Now fuck off!".


"Bolin i told you i'm fine, the question is are you okay your sweating really bad" Bolin trembled, Opal was now only a few months away from giving birth to their child and he was now going to Zouf to see Suyin, "I'm calm b-but w-waht if your m-mother gets angry at me"

Opal smiled "Bolin my mother is nothing like that" 

"Yes i am" Bolin jumped before hitting his head on the metal wall "ow!" "mom!" Opal shouted and hugged her mother "Opal its so good to see you now what is it you called the whole family for" Opal sighed "I think we should go to the table before anything" Suyin nodded she walked with her daughter and Bolin to the dinner table where Wing, Wei, Huan, Battar, and Battar Jr,  sat. "Okay Ope...whats going on". Suyin took a deep breath "your pregnant right?" The whole room went silent "I can feel his heart beat"

"HIS!" Bolin said before taking a seat. Opal took a deep breath "Y-yes me and Bolin are expecting a child i just wanted you guys to know"

Wing and wei stood up and glared at Bolin "Expecting What!"

"a baby"
"A what!"

Bolin stood up "where going to name him Teko"

Wing and wei looked at each other before pointing towards the door "Go to your room!" Bolin shook his head, "S-so you want to name your son after my mothers word" Suyin said her hand was on her head trying to figure this all out, "Its alright as long as you two take responsibility for your child, Zoufo would love to have you stay with us" Opal looked at Bolin 

"w-well thats the thing since Bolin has a new job he had enough money to buy an apartment in Republic city, and we kinda want to live there, its too crowded here, we want our son to grow up in a homey place"

"Thats fine, have you told Lin?" Suyin asked as she watched Bolin panic even more 

"I thought so"

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