Chapter 25

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"Alright before you start fire bending i need you to control your emotions" Mako said as he sat down crossed legs breathing in and out while Korren was trying to bend some water. Heo grumbled "what does emotion have anything to do with fire, fire is destructive not calm and slow paced" Mako shook his head "That is where you are wrong, the true form of fire the blue form the hottest, it is slow paced, you need to calm down forgive yourself, understand that the things that happened in the past is in the past" Mako opened his eyes to see Heo blowing steam out her nose, "alright stand up" both Mako and Heo stood up, "I cannot teach you how to bend if you cannot control your anger"

"Anger! You think i have anger!" Heo's palms turned into blue flames before going back to red. Mako looked at Korren then back at Heo "yes...yes i do think you have anger issues, try talk it out with your brother" Korrens eyes widened "w-what w-why me!" Mako smiled "Because your sister obviously does not know how to interact with humans you do, so teach her" Korren growled before nodding "Good, wake me up when she learns how to control it" Mako walked to the corner of the cell and sat down and laid his head on the wall and closed his eyes.

Korren looked at his older sister and sat down in front of her, "W-what wrong with you?"

"Whats wrong with me! what's wrong with you! Your the special one! you should know!" Korren looked around "what do you mean special one, me and you are the same"

"No we are not! You don't get it do you! dad always wanted a son! and when i was born he shut me out he acted like i was not even there! why don't you get it! i never asked to be born with this, this stupid gift, now i'm a fire bender and i hate it!" Korren stayed silent he had no idea what to say, and he didn't know half the things she was talking about, "B-but bending is a gift you have a gif-" "Its not a gift korren!" Heo stood up "This name is no gift this bending is no gift! My whole existence is no gift! i never asked to be born from a man who hates me!"

"dad doesn't hate you if he did why did he take you with him?"

Heo stayed silent, tears started to form "because of my body! Because i look like mom, i'm to mature for my age!"


"Korra come to bed" Asami said, it was so late yet Korra did nothing but train and train. Asami had been watching Korra train but t was now getting worrying "I'm fine!" Korra grunted as she missed a kick which pushed her back on the floor. "Not enough" Korra said as she stood back up and started kicking the bag again, "Korra you haven't slept for two days you won't be strong enough if you don't get any sleep" Korra stopped kicking and walked up to her girlfriend, Korra smiled which made Asami shiver "I'm fine" Korra kissed Asami on the cheek before walking up the stairs to their bedroom, Asami shivered that look on Korra's face was insane. "Miss Sato the chief of police is on the phone" Asami turned around and grabbed the phone "hello Lin? its quite la-" "HAS KORRA LOST HER MIND!" Asami frowned "what are you talking about?"

Lin sighed "That Avatar singed for Kuvira's temporarily release!" Asami jaw dropped what was korra planning, "i'll go a-ask her n-now"

"Yes you do that! i refuse to have her emotions bring republic city to another war!"

Asami hanged up the phone. she walked up the stairs and saw Korra putting her night clothes on "You released Kuvira?"

Korra smiled "She was the only one who understand what is needed to be done"

"and w-what needs to be done?" Asami put her hands on hips 

Korra walked up to the Sato and kissed her "Your being too anxious about this, its just me and Kuv who will go track down where Korren is, kill the bastard and leave with Korren then she goes back in prison" Korra smiled, she had no idea what was going on but now she felt more eager to find her son, just the thought of something happen to him made her blood boil,  "So you too are so close her names Kuv may i remind you she killed my father, and she nearly killed you" Korra wrapped her arm around Asamis waist and pulling her to the bed "yeah that's why she is going back to jail after"

Asami sighed she pushed herself off Korra and stood up at her full height "Listen i get it your mad and upset so am i, i want Korren here with us, but we can't risk them killing him for your arrogance, so calm do-" "Arrogance! So i'm the arrogant one now! I'm the only one who wants to find him! your here without a care in the world while our son, No MY son is out their probably being tortured!" Asami stepped back, this was no longer Korra, Asami walked up to Korra and kissed her on the forehead "Look you need to calm down, i am just as worried as you are but i know how to hide please just for me wait" Korra sighed and nodded, Asami crawled herself onto the Avatars lap facing her,

"You get more beautiful each day"

"and so do you....i love you Korra"

"And i love you to 'Sami"

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