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Many dances and bottles of champagne later I float back to my apartment in a bubbly haze.

George slides up to my heels as soon as I unlock the door and I carry him back to my corner of the room.

"Happy New Year, George," I mumble as he purrs under my chin.

Charlene left this morning for Asia and I am giddy with the three weeks of little freedoms this affords me.

As I kick off my heels I see the light on my answering machine flashing in a soft blur. Mrs. X.

"What do you think, George, shall we risk it?" I bend over to let him down before pressing the "new message" button.

"Hi, Nan? Um, this is a message for Nan. I think this is the right number . . ." H. H.'s slurred voice fills the apartment.

"Oh, my God!" I scream, turning to check my appearance in the mirror.

"Right. So um, yeah . . . I'm just calling to say 'Happy New Year.' Um, I'm in Africa. And --- wait --- what time is it there? Seven hours, that's ten . . . eleven . . . twelve. Right. So I'm with my family and we are about to head into the bush. And it's the last outpost with a phone . . . But I just wanted to say that I bet you had a hard week. See! I know how you've been working hard and I just wanted you to know, um . . .

that I know . . . that you do . . . work hard, that is. Um, and that you have a happy New Year. Okay, so then --- I hope this is your machine. Right. So that's all, just wanted you to know. Um . . . bye."

I stumble to my bed in utter euphoria. "Oh, my God," I mumble again in the darkness, before passing out with a grin plastered to my face.


Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring.

"Hi, you've reached Charlene and Nan. Please leave a message." Beep.

"Hi, Nanny, I hope you're in. I'm sure you're probably in. Well, Happy New Year." I crack one eye open.

"It's Mrs. X. I hope you've had a good vacation. I'm calling because . . ." Jesus, it's eight o'clock in the morning!

"Well, there's been a change of plans. Mr. X. apparently needs to go back to Illinois for work. And I, well, Grayer's --- we're all very disappointed. So, anyways, we won't be going to Aspen and I wanted to see what you're up to for the rest of the month."

On New Year's Day! I stick my hand outside the covers and start flailing for the phone. I unplug the receiver and throw it on the floor

I pass out again.

Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring.

"Hi, you've reached Charlene and Nan. Please leave a message." Beep.

"Hi, Nanny, it's Mrs. X. I left a message earlier." I crack one eye open.

"I don't know if I mentioned, but if you could let me know today . . ." Jesus, it's nine-thirty in the morning! On New Year's Day! I stick my hand outside the covers and start flailing for the phone and this time actually manage to pull the right plug out.

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