The youngest jenner part 2

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Kayden Pov

Today is the day when my family meets mines girlfriend and  Kendall's boyfriend today I hope everything goes okay and no drama today. So right I and Avani walk into my mom's house as we were the last ones to get there as we walked through the house to get to the kitchen we saw my mom at the head table then it was my dad, Kourtney, Scott, Travis, and Kylie on the other side it was Corey, Kanye, Kim, Khloe, Kendall, Jordan then me and Avani sat down at the table by Kylie. 

" wassup family this is my girlfriend Avani and Avani sense you know my mom this is my dad Caitlyn, my sisters, and their boyfriend Kendall, Jordan, Kylie, Travis, Kourtney, Scott, Khloe, Kim, and Kanye" I pointed to each person at the table.

"Nice to meet you Avani I'm so glad I can finally meet you," Kylie said with a smile.

Nice to meet you too Kylie" Avani said with a smile

"So Avani what do you do" Khloe asked her as I shook my head at her

"Well I'm Tiktok famous I dance, I like to do makeup, hang out with family and friends, and spend time with Kayden," Avani said with confidence as I smiled and grabbed her hand and kissed it as she smiled at me

"Maybe you can help me with some ideas for my business someday," Kylie said with excitement in her voice

"Sure I would love to," Avani said as I smiled happy for Kylie and Avani as they started a friendship

"So Avani what is your intention with Kayden are you using her fame and our family's fame, "Kim said Kendall nodded at what Kim said and I looked at both of them with a glare

"Kim what the hell is wrong with you why would you say that you barely know the girl"Kourtney said as she looked at Kim

"And Kendall why are you agreeing with Kim, "my dad said

"Because she probably is using Kayden for her fame and our family's fame too I'm just looking out for Kayden so she won't get hurt," Kendall said as I glared at her

"For y'all information Avani is not using me or our family fame to get her more famous okay we've been going on for 2 years straight and I love her so why would she want to use me if she didn't know me who I was when we first meet so no she not using me and this why I didn't want the family to meet Avani for a reason because of  Kim why do you even care all you care about your career and your self-sense I was a little kid until now and Kendall I'm not going to get started at you because you need to worry about your bastard of a boyfriend who is horrible at a basketball that always cheating on you. I and Avani are going to go so enjoy the family dinner without us" I got up and grabbed my girlfriend's hand as I kissed my mom and dad's cheek as we left the house I signed and turned to her.

"I'm sorry about my two idiots of a sister they are just too judgmental and won't try to get to know you" I look at her.

"It's okay but I know l love you and I know I'm not using you or your family fame," Avani said as she kissed me I kissed her back then we pulled away.

"I love you too come on let's go to your house and get you some clothes so we can go to my family beach house far away from here okay," I said as she nodded.

We got in the car and went to her house to get her some clothes then to the airport where my jet was then went to my family beach house away from my crazy ass family definitely from Kendall and Kim.

Hope you enjoy it😉
Part 3 for pregnant and the youngest Jenner💕☺️

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20 ⏰

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