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He was perfect.
Tall, dark, perfect eyes.
He always bought me the best gifts.
All my favourite snacks, oversized hoodies and bags.
He knew everything about me.
I let him know everything.
I introduced him to my family and he introduced me to his.

Everything was perfect.
I could see him everytime I wanted to.
I was head over heels in love.
I was blinded.
Reality was an illusion.

I would ignore the red flags.
I thought that he was being "cute"
Until I let him go too far.
Deleting social media,
trying to become invisible...
Only for love.
I wanted to protect the relationship.

I loved him.
I gave him my all.
He would play with my mind as if it were a toy.
I used to feel like I was being delusional.
I used to feel like I was overreacting.

I tried escaping his trap.
I failed dismally,
many were on his side.
I felt empty and alone.
I was always the bad guy.
He made me believe that I was victimizing myself everytime I spoke out.
Insults became a huge part of his vocabulary.
Everytime I tried to leave I was asked
"are you leaving me for other guys?"
And he would call me names.
Names that broke my spirit.

I hate how he is still seen as perfect by my family.
I hated how I would go back and forth with him.
I hated the hold that he had over me.
I hated myself for loving him so much even when he broke me.

I hate how society overlooks emotional abuse.
Emotional abuse is not evident in the same way that physical abuse is, but it does not mean that it does not hurt too.

I feel like a joke whenever I talk about how I was emotionally abused.
I am mostly told things like
"You're being dramatic Rea"
"He didn't mean it that way"

Well, guess what, he broke me.

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