Wei Wuxian knew Jiang Cheng didn't like him hanging out with Lan Zhan but he just didn't know why. In all honesty, it was probably Jiang Cheng just being overprotective again. He loved his brother, he really did, but sometimes he could take it a little too far. Seriously, he was a big boy and older than Jiang Cheng! He knew he was a cripple but, seriously, he could take care of himself and make his own friends!
"Ok, what is it?" he asked his brother who was walking beside him. Jiang Cheng snorted at the question.
"Wei Wuxian, If you like Lan Wangji so much, why don't you go join his clan and stay here in the Cloud recesses? Don't think about coming back to Lotus pier either," he said. Wei Wuxian let out a disbelieving laugh. What the hell?
"Jiang Cheng, what are you going on about? Lotus pier is so much better than this stuffy place. These rules would kill me if I actually had to live here. And what's so bad about liking Lan Zhan? He's my friend!"
Jiang Cheng shrugged his brother off when the other boy had attached himself to his arm. "You know, friends don't usually flirt with each other," he said. Wei Wuxian rolled his eyes.
"What flirting? In any case, I could say the same thing about you. Huaisang flirts with you all the time. You don't think that's weird?" he asked, nudging his brother's shoulder. Jiang Cheng spluttered beside him, his ears turning red.
"Huaisang does not!" he tried defending himself. This only made Wei Wuxian smirk as he crossed his arm over his chest.
"Uh huh, sure. Want me to go ask him?" Wuxian jutted his chin ahead of them. Jiang Cheng's eyes widened as he turned to the direction his brother pointed out. Sure enough, Nie Huaisang was walking towards them while fanning himself, completely oblivious to what the two brothers were talking about. Jiang Cheng grabbed Wei Wuxian's good arm and squeezed it tightly.
"Don't you dare fucking say anything," Jiang Cheng leaned in and whispered harshly into Wuxian's ear. Wei Wuxian nodded vigorously as he tried getting out of Jiang Cheng's grip.
"Ok, ok! Ow, Jiang Cheng it hurts!" he whined. Jiang Cheng snorted and shoved his brother away. Wei Wuxian pouted and held his arm close to his chest.
"So cruel..." he said, making himself sound close to tears.
"Who's cruel?" Nie Huaisang asked when he joined the two brothers. Wei Wuxian sniffled and pointed at Jiang Cheng who rolled his eyes.
"It's him. I was just making a joke and he had to grab me so roughly. So abusive..."
Nie Huaisang giggled behind his fan as Jiang Cheng side-eyed his brother.
"Abusive? Want me to actually abuse you?" Jiang Cheng lifted up his hand threateningly which made Wei Wuxian squeak. He hid himself behind Nie Huaisang and poked his head out.
"Huaisang, you have to save me!" he cried dramatically. Huaisang only giggled again when Jiang Cheng got closer to the two of them. When Wei Wuxian let out another loud yell, a new voice called out his name.
"Wei Ying!"
The three boys looked up to see Lan Wangji across the way giving them all a stern look. At the sight of the jade, Wei Wuxian's fake-scared face turned into a happy grin.
"Hi Lan Zhan!" he said, waving to the other boy. Lan Wangji sighed as he turned his eyes solely on him.
"Wei Ying is too loud. Yelling is not permitted," he reminded. Wei Wuxian gave him a sheepish look as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Uh, yeah. We were just playing, sorry for bothering you Lan Zhan," he said. Lan Wangji gave a stiff nod. He had been going to visit his uncle when he heard Wei Ying. At first, he had thought that Wei Ying was actually in trouble before realizing that he was just messing around with his brother. He gave the group one last glance before going back on his way.

FanfictionWei Ying felt strange. He could clearly see with his eyes that the doctor was holding onto his arm, but he just couldn't feel it. And when he tried to move his fingers, he found that he couldn't even move them. Wei Ying panicked inwardly. This wasn'...