3. Surprisingly Okay!

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What is this about?, exclaimed a confused Nandini.

"Ma'am Please co-operate with us... We are only doing our Job.", said one of the 3 people who had visited her apartment.

Nan- I have never heard of this kinda background check! its like I'm some sort of suspect! I get it Malhotra Industries is no common company but this is... invasion of privacy!

Just then her bell rang

Nan- finally!
she pressed the button for the main gate and waited.

Nat- Babe I came as soon as I got your text! what inspection? and where are the weird men and women? I ll set them right! you just wait and watch

nan- come in then you'll see na!

Natasha strode in and threw her bag in the middle and saw the man standing in the living room, "Robert? What are you doin' here? and what is this about?"

Robert- Good evening Ms. Natasha. We are just doing as Sir has instructed us to... i hope you understand.

Nat- I get it.. its for the twins.. ofcourse it'll be extra. you carry on.

nan- What did they say are they leaving?

the woman- Ma'am we need to go to see your room also... you have to come with us

nandini raised her eyebrows at Natasha gesturing, "wanna explain?"

Nat- Babe. its for the twins you know...  they have to be extra careful.. plus you ll live in their house too so they are just doing a thorough background check..you go with her this ll be over in no time.

Nandini went to her room.. Soon they left, they just looked around took pics and asked a few basic questions and told her to get a Medical report as well.

Nat- Babe! I'm crashing here tonight! 

nan- ya sure! order food then m not in the mood to cook today,,, and order something clean please!

Nat- already done! pepperoni for me and Kale salad and chicken for you

nan- You did? You were so sure? What if i said you couldn't stay here today? 

Nat- that's why I never ask! i just announce it! duh!

Nandini chuckled and went to gather clothes for laundry.

Natasha was lying on the floor and her feet were resting on the sofa, she was going through her Insta feed.

Nandini came in and saw her living room... bag tossed in the middle, shoes here and there, jacket on the floor and even the owner of the scattered items.

Nan- you know the couch is meant for your ass not just the feet...

Nat- yeah yeah yeah... and the rack is for the shoes and the coat stand is for the jacket.... and  on and on!

Nan- ugggghhhh go change first I ll wash your clothes!

Natasha took of her pants there itself and was about to open her top

Nan- I said change! Not undress! And the delivery man will be here any moment now so please! Decent up!

Nat- Yes MOM! (And she stomped off to the closet room to change)

Nandini was leading the laundry and the food arrived... natasha paid and turned on Netflix

Nat- Babe what movie should we watch today??

Nan- horror!

Nat- no! Please u know I can't handle it!

Nan- ugghhh romcom it is! Why even ask?

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