One confusing day

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I started to feel the pain. It slowly came back to my body. My arms, my knees, my freakin' pinky... it hurts. It burns like hell!

I slowly opened my eyes, and saw that familiar ceiling. I furrowed my eyebrows as I sat up. What the heck?? I'm back to Yes, I'm at my own darn room. Huh...guess Moriarty didn't kill me.

I carefully stood up, and went downstairs. The first thing, I went to the bathroom to clean the wounds. And I had to pull some glasses out, which were crawled under my skin. I patched my arms and knees up, followed by I walked back to the living room.

Oh, my phone was on the table. I took it and...holy smoke. I've multiple missed calls from Greg and Molly! I don't even know how to explain the...whole thing!

I took a deep breath, and first called to Molly. I hope she ain't completely freaked out.

"Hiii, Mol. ...wassup?" Was literally the first thing I said. ...sounding so nervous and uncomfortable.

"Daire, where have you been?!" Molly asked, sounding sooooo...I mean, kindaaaaa pissed off. She was worried.

"That's a long story. I'm sorry about the message I sent. ...I can explain that!" My heart is beating so fast that you can't even imagine!

"Um...what messages? I didn't got any messages." Wait whAt?! But I sent the text message! I so did! And if I would've...missed something, Moriarty would've told me!

...or was he just kidding?? I never checked the numbers, so...I don't know if they were Molly's and Greg's. They could be Moriarty's number? Or some random people's? Hah, I so hope that it ain't the last one...

But I think so. Well, it doesn't matter now! I'm just glad that Molly didn't got any messages. ...and I hope the same for Greg.

"I was drinking at the bar. I thought I sent you one drunk message, but...well, glad I didn't." That's actually damn good excuse. ...I mean, if I would drink. With Sherlock (over a year ago) was the first and last time.

"You drinking? Since when?" Molly asked, now sounding more like...worried mother.

"Um...had a rough day." Was all I answered. But well, that's not completely a lie-...what the hell I'm gonna say, when they see my amputated pinky?! "Yeah, had a rough day" CLEARLY!

Well, to Greg I can just say that "it has been always like this", since...I bet he hasn't paid any attention about how many fingers I've left. But Molly...she knows me darn well. Yes, even my fingers!

"It was nice to talk, Mol! See ya!" I quickly ended the call, before she could say anything. Well, now I've to call Greg...

I hope that he hasn't sent the whole police station after me. Haha... that would be embarrassing.

"I'm sorry I didn't answer! I had a rough day. My phone was...sort of broken and I the bar." Wow, smooth, Daire.

"Molly and I were worried about you." he answered. Ugh, now I feel bad...

"Yeah, I'm sorry. ...seriously. Well, I gotta go, so...bye." After those words, I ended up the call. So, clearly Greg didn't got the message, either. ...which is hella good and relieving.

As I had put my phone back to the pocket, Sherlock walked out of his room. Well...this is awkward. I hope he doesn't remember what I said. God! OF COURSE he's gonna remember! Okay, I've to play it cooL.

"Is your injuries okay? And are you?" Sherlock asked. I could see how awkwardly he was standing. Like, he wanted to out of the situation, but he couldn't!

"Welp, I'm not dead, so..." I tried to be my sarcastic self. Everything's gonna be fine... just don't say anything stupid, Daire. Especially NOT some stupid-ass puns!

"Are you? What about the hit marks?" I asked as I drew my eyebrows together, crossing my arms.

"They', in my back, you mind?" So...I just got the permission to nurse Sherlock? OKAY, STOP IT! He's still your best friend, Daireeee!

"Yeah, of course. Sit." I don't know if I sounded more awkward, excited or just uneasy... GOD!

I quickly walked into the bathroom, and took the first aid kit with me. I walked back to the living room, noticing that...Sherlock was without shirt. Like, duh! If I'm gonna clean the wounds and patch him up, it's not gonna work if he has his shirt on. But Sherlock without shirt? Oh my God... CALM YOUR ASS DOWN, DAIRE! For Christ's sake...he's your best friend! Ugh, why I'm talking to myself in a third perspective? Right, 'cause I'm nervous!

I knelt down a bit, and cleaned his wounds veeeery slooowly. Just...imagine if I would've done it quickly! Like, how much the wound cleanser would've stung!

When I was done with the cleaning part, I wrapped bandages around his back and chest.

"Is it the bandage too tight, or...?" I wanted to make sure. ...just in case. This was my first time, when I patch someone else up.

"It's...fine." Sherlock answered as I nodded as an answer. Trying to make this less awkward, I quickly stood up. I just...wanna go somewhere. I wanna clear my mind. ...with no alcohol.

"I'm going for a walk." I said before I left. I just wanna everything's be used to be.

"You'll be back before dark?" I'm surprised that Sherlock even asked that.

"Yeah. ...I'll be back before you know" I think I'm gonna be out a couple hours... I guess...I wanna avoid Sherlock...

Sherlock looked into my eyes for a while, as I just stood in the doorway like some idiot. As I was turning around, Sherlock stopped me. I mean...his words made me to stop.

"All right. Stay safe. you." WhAt?! Did he really just said that?! "Love you"?? And so naturally?? Not some cliché shit "I've to confess something..."

I stood still for a...minute. I had to think it through what the hell he just said.

Well, I'll take everything I've said back! I don't wanna go out anymore! I don't wanna avoid Sherlock, and certainly, I don't wanna everything's be what they used to be.

" wanna go eat?" Yes, I literally asked that as I directed my gaze back at Sherlock. He stared me for a while, eyebrows furrowed. He was...kinda confused, but oh boy, I was too! I noticed how that cute smile appeared on his face. Yes it is, then.

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