11 - Annabeth

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I wait on platform 3 at the train station for Magnus. I had a few people stop and stare at me, which made me feel odd, but I brushed it off, I guess.

About 4 trains go by and I pull out my phone to text Magnus and ask him where he is. He should be here by now.

As I'm about to send the message, another train pulls in. I scan the passengers for Magnus, but I don't see him. After everyone gets off the train, he pops out of the crowd, looking for me. I wave my hand sround until he sees me and he strides over.

"Hey," he pulls me into a hug. "How are you doing?"

I laugh. "I've been better. How about you."

"Well," he pulls away, "things are going good with the mansion, and-"

He falters and looks at my stomach. "Um, don't mean to be rude, but are you gaining weight."

I laugh. "Yeah. I've gained 5 pounds since the pregnancy started."

He stares at me like I'm speaking a foreign language. "I'm sorry, the what?"

"You heard me, Chase."

He smiles. "W-wait, wait, wait. So... you're- you're-"

"Yes, Magnus. I'm pregnant. It's okay to say it."

He laughs and turns around, covering his mouth with his hands. He begins to walk away, then turns around and comes back, muttering, "Wow. Okay, um... wow."

I laugh. "See? I knew you wouldn't freak out."

"Oh, I'm freaking out."

"That was sarcasm."

"Oh, um, right."

I slap his shoulder. "Calm down. It's all good. Percy starts college soon, and I'll stay home and be lazy all day. Life can't get better."

He sighs. "Oh my gods, I just... I can't believe you're pregnant, I mean... wow."

I nudge him. "If you calm down, we can go get some ice cream."

He takes another deep breath. "Okay, I'm good."


We get some ice cream and we take a walk through the park. Magnus asks a lot of questions, and I'm kinda regreting telling him.

"Okay, so," he blabbers, "like, what if something happens when Percy's at school? Then what."

"Hazel will check on me every chance she gets. And I have a phone. I can call Percy if something happens."

He sighs. "Okay, um... What are you gonna name it? Like if it's a boy, I think you should name it, like, Terminator or something cool like that. And if it's a girl, you should name it Natasha Romanoff. She's awesome."

"I'm not naming my children Terminator and Natasha. I want them to have... more meaningful names."

He looks at me. "Did you just say children?"

I stick my finger in his ear. "You need to clean your ears, boy."

He stares at me for a minute. "So, when you say children, do you mean, like-"

"Oh my god, Magnus, yes, I mean there's twins."

He laughs, and tried to cover it with a cough. "Wow, I have had a crazy day. First Alex-"

He stops. "First Alex and I none-of-your-businessed, then I run into a lady selling chickens in Oakland, then I find out my cousin is pregnant with twins."

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