.:The Hunt:.

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An unfamiliar voice breathed softly into the darkness that cradled his deep slumber. "...Are you sure it's working?"
Someone clicked their tongue. "It should be...I wonder if I should've added more rosemary." He recognized Uraraka's gentle pondering. What was she doing? Why was she in his head?
"Well, hopefully it works soon! Bakugo will blow our heads off if we're late!" Another unfamiliar voice. Who were these people?
A loud smack happened next to him, triggering a wimpy squeal from someone. "Don't touch him! He went through a lot yesterday, give him some space!" That sounded like Mina. Why was she here, too? What's going on?
Suddenly the darkness banished Kirishima into a blinding light. His blood rushed painfully to his head and limbs, making him nauseous. His eyes flew open as he took a sharp intake of air, causing the blurry figures around him to jump.
"Kiri!" Uraraka's hazy face leaned over him. He blinked slowly until his vision fully readjusted. "It's alright, you're safe. Are you feeling ok?"
Gritting his teeth to bear through the sting, he pushed himself into a sitting position, the old wooden bed creaking as he did so. The warm morning sun leaked through the small room's window, making him squint.
Behind Uraraka sat Mina on a small stool. Next to her, the man with the ribbon magic and the flirt with the lightning magic. They waved with wide smiles.
"Where's Todoroki?" Kirishima asked abruptly. They looked to each other in confusion.
"Todoroki? Who's Todoroki?" The warrior with raven hair looked to the blond, who shrugged. Kirishima stared at his bandaged arms, trying to form words through such jumbled thoughts. He was about to speak again when Mina suddenly bounced her head up.
"Oh, do you mean the ice guy? With the two different hair colors?" She exaggerated her fingers through her hair. Kirishima nodded hopefully.
"Oh, right, that guy! I'm not sure, he wasn't here when we arrived this morning," The blond leaned close to him, eyes gleaming with admiration. Now close enough, Kirishima could see a strange black bolt dyed into his hair. "-but that doesn't matter! You're so popular, man! You're the talk of the town! Even All Might himself came to check on you this morning!"
"I suppose it pays to be powerful!" The other male in the room sighed. "Oh, by the way, it's a pleasure to be working with you! I'm Sero!" He stuck a hand out, confusing Kirishima just as Uraraka once did. Was he going to pet his head? He didn't know him that well, should he let him? Wait, working?
Thankfully, Uraraka was there to save him by waving in front of Sero. "Oh, he still doesn't know why you're here! Kirishima, this is Sero and Kaminari! They won the tournament alongside you and Mina-" She was rudely pushed out of the way by the blond.
" 'Tis a pleasure to meet you officially!!" Kaminari reached out his hand, in which Uraraka again stepped between. "I'm glad it was you who won, because now I have no qualms with accidentally electrocuting a teammate!" He laughed as said teammate froze, scared and perplexed.
"He means because of your hardening magic, he can't hurt you." Sero clarified, watching his electric friend roll off the bed collecting static. "He's powerful, I'll give him that much- but his restraint? I'd give it a two out of eight hundred...maybe an extra point for making everyone else look good." He elbowed the blond, but Kaminari whistled obliviously.
Mina giggled. "He won the tournament by accidentally setting all the bombs off. It's a miracle he was still standing. He had that stupid look on his face, too! Bakugo threw the biggest fit I'd ever seen for a grown man!"
"Hey, as long as I get what I want, I could care less what that blingy bozo thinks of me!" Kaminari pumped his fist as Mina laughed out of her seat.
"Anyway, now that you're awake," Uraraka grabbed Kirishima's attention by placing her hands on his cheeks. Her eyes glowed pink as she looked him over. "The King wants to see us all as soon as possible. You seem to be fine physically, but let me know if you need anything at all, ok?" She released his face and gifted him a warm smile. He surprised her by returning it.
Mina tilted her head. "Wait, if he's still injured, can't you just give him a healing potion or something?"
Uraraka flinched. "Um, no! Unfortunately not, I uh, ran out of materials for it yesterday morning!" Her excuse came out a jumbled mess, but she'd rather sound like an idiot than give her friend's secret away.
Her teacher once experimented it a long time ago, concluding that healing potions don't work on most dragons or hybrids. In fact, some dragons have an opposite effect to the magic. Giving them a healing potion would be like feeding a snail some salt.
"Oh, that's too bad. We can help you look for materials sometime if you want!" She offered, and the other two agreed.
The witch nodded thankfully, turning back to her patient. He smiled again as a thanks, making her happy to see him feeling more confident.
          "Let's try to get you out of bed-" Just as Uraraka helped Kirishima place his feet on the cold floor, the door exploded.
          "GET THE HELL UP, YOU LAZY SHITS!" Bakugo stormed through the smoke, fists ablaze. Kirishima hardened as the splinters scattered, shredding his bandages. "Just 'cause you lucky bastards won my tournament doesn't mean I'll get all sappy for you! You're all beneath me!" He shoved Kaminari and Sero aside, glowering down at the the witch and the hybrid.
          "Well it's nice to meet you, too!" Uraraka slapped her hands on her hips. "Give us a moment, please! He's still-"
          "He's fine, round-face! If he can tank all my bombs going off at once, he can stand through a couple of bruises!" He grabbed the back of Kirishima's vest, hoisting him from the bed to his feet. Not wanting to displease, he caught himself on wobbly knees. "See? He's fine, now let's get going! We only have until sundown to reach our destination!"
          He released Kirishima and stomped back to the door. Uraraka was very displeased, "Where are you- wait a second, you're leaving now?! What about the King? Doesn't he have to tell us the plan-?!"
"Don't underestimate me! I already know the plan, I'm the mastermind behind this shitty group of idiots!!" He looked over his shoulder, cocking his head arrogantly. "You won't need details so long as I'm here, so just listen to me and let's go! I won't wait any longer!"
          The group had no choice but to follow him out of the hospital. Uraraka appeared to be very sad at this revelation, only pissing Bakugo off more.
          "Dumb witch, don't be so butthurt! You're coming, too!"
          She lift her head, eyes twinkling. "I am?!"
          "Duh, that stupid Deku should have been here to tell you that an hour ago!" Just as they stepped outside, a boy with dark green hair and a bit of a baby face pulled his horse to a stop in front of the hospital. "Deku, you blundering idiot! You had one job!"
          "I know I'm so sorry Kacchan!" He panicked, leaping off his horse and stumbling to Uraraka. Her face tinted a light shade of pink as he bowed before her. "I'm so, so, so sorry for the sudden request, I meant to find you earlier! King All Might gave me permission to build my own team and assist Kacchan on his quest! We even have your usual horse saddled for you, if you're interested! I know it's so sudden, but please join!" He clapped his hands together and bowed repetitively.
          Uraraka stared at him, growing even redder as he looked up to her. She pulled at her dress collar and hugged her staff close.
          "You don't even have to ask, Deku! It's always an honor to help you and the King!" She twirled her hair in her fingers as Deku's freckled face lit up.
          "Really?! Thank you so much, Uraraka! You're the best!" He bowed again then grinned at Bakugo. "Kacchan, will you be meeting us at-"
          "-At the Southern gates, ya, ya! We'll be there as soon as my most powerful warriors are ready! Now scram back to your weak, loser team, stupid Deku!" He slammed his foot down, sending the successor scrambling.
          "'Most powerful warriors', huh?" Sero chuckled to Kaminari under his breath. "I guess being a 'lazy shit' is the equivalent of a ' powerful warrior' in his native tongue."
          Kaminari giggled as Deku ran back to his buckskin stallion, holding his hand out as an invitation for Uraraka. Her eyes widened and she waved her hands.
          "O-oh! That's ok, I'll just fly until I get my own horse! Thank you, though!" She quickly levitated off the ground, trying to hide her face with her hat. Deku nodded then pulled himself into the saddle.
          "We'll see you at the gates soon, Kacchan!" Deku waved goodbye and the barbarian cursed foully. Uraraka floated after his galloping horse, looking back to Kirishima and smiling bright.
          "See you soon, Kiri!"

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