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It is said that a Ruby's roar can shake every little stone inside the territory it claims, no matter how far away it may be. From where he stood in the shadow, as the Ruby's cry rumbled in the foggy night, Bakugo believed it wholeheartedly. Completely mesmerized by its massive stature, he was unable to look away from the Titan that perched on the rickety clock tower.
          "We need to go before it finds us." The stranger behind them pulled on his scarf, releasing the two from their bonds.
          "What the hell are you doing here?" Bakugo rolled his shoulders as the bandages fell away. "Don't you know there's an entire squadron looking for you right now?!"
          The man narrowed his eyes. "I know nothing of the sort. I've been trapped here since yesterday morning when my team was warped inside the city. I have not seen another familiar face until now."
         "So what, does that mean we're trapped, too?" The prince turned away to stare at the dragon again.
          "Possibly not." The man tossed his scarf around his neck, shoving his hands in his saggy pockets. "The town is surrounded by hundreds of enemies, and the dragon routinely patrols. Others scour the city as if they're looking for something, but I don't know what. I could not escape on my own when I tried."
          The prince groaned angrily. "Damn you, Aizawa! Stop being such a lazy piece of shit!"
          On a normal day, Bakugo would have had his ass handed to him for saying that, but in their current situation the elite decided to ignore him, turning his back and returning to the shadows. "Come on, we'll have a better chance at escaping if we go together." Kirishima, despite having no idea who this man was, didn't think twice about following. Bakugo, on the other hand, remained in his spot.
          "Bakugo," Aizawa commanded, "we need to-"
          "I have my orders." He snapped, unsheathing his sword. "I need to get close. Either you help me, or run like a coward."
          Aizawa's silver eyes flashed as he stepped ominously back in to the light. "You'll be butchered alive if you try to fight it. I don't care if you're a child with a wooden sword or the world's greatest dragon hunter- that monster cannot be slain by human hands."
          "Just you watch me!" Bakugo flared his fists and Kirishima jumped apprehensively. Suddenly the dragon roared again, unraveling its wings to take flight toward the East. Bakugo cursed profusely as it soared away. "Fucking hell!"
          He shoved Kirishima aside, banging the hybrid's back against the wall. He raised his hands defensively as Bakugo flew past. Stunned, the hybrid looked to Aizawa, who sighed and scratched his head.
          "Never get between a dragon and a slayer."
          Then he left Kirishima, oblivious to the horror crossing the younger's face.

          "Get down, idiot!" Sero pushed on Mina's head to better hide her as another group of enemies galloped by. In the dark their lanterns flashed as they looked around. Upon finding nothing, they urged their horses back into the smoke.
"There are so many of them, what do we do?!" Mina panicked, following Sero and Iida from their hiding spot.
The tall knight smiled at her from under his silver helmet. "Don't worry, Miss Mina! My team is here to offer support in times like this! I will assist in finding the castle garden so we may regroup with the others!" He squat and scanned the fog with a hand over his brows. "This smoke is not helping!"
"No shit! Where the heck is the castle, I can't see anything anymore!" She clung to Iida's arm and whined. Sero looked around just as uselessly.
          A sudden roar sent them scrambling back to their hiding spot. A massive shadow passed over them, gliding just above the rooftops and nearly blowing them away with a huge gust. However, thanks to the wind, the smoke cleared just enough to reveal the castle in the distance.
          "There!" Sero pointed. "I see it, let's go!" He pulled the other two with him, though Mina dug her heels into the dirt.
          "Was that the dragon Todoroki warned us about?! Did you see how big it was?!" She shivered, strangling his arm with her tight grasp.
          Iida waved his hand. "I don't wish to stick around to find out! Let's just get to the garden as fast as we can!"

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