Chapter 4: The little secluded cottage.

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I'm really enjoying writing this story, if you have any ideas on anything, let me know! I want to make a sequal to this if I can, when this one finishes!:)

BTW THIS HAS GOT TRIGGERING CONTENT, IT INCLUDES SELF-HARM! Please don't ever feel like you need to go for the blade! You are so much better than a piece of metal! I LOVE YOU xx

"Remember your promise Vee? Don't speak unless someone speaks to you, if they ask who you are then what do you say?"
I didn't feel 16 at all, I felt 10 and as if Oli was my sturn parent telling me not to talk to strangers.
"I'm Matt's cousin and I wanted to come and visit for a while." I sounded like a robot, repeating words.
"Thank you Velocity." Oli said and walked down the stairs to the side of the stage, he left me sitting on a chair on my own. Jordan waved at me as he walked onto the stage but I brushed it off.

They started to play 'Sleepwalking' but I was trying to ignore the urge to run, to leave and go back home. But there would be no use, they would find me probably or make things worse. 

"Alright love, why you looking so lost?" A voice said from beside me.
"Erm, I'm Matt Nicholl's cousin!" I shrieked back.
They laughed and came around to the front of me, "Sorry love, didn't mean to scare you." 
I knew who this was, his ash-blonde hair, tattoos and distinctive Australian accent. 
"So your Nicholl's cousin are you?" He asked.
"Yeah, I wanted to visit.." I felt like he knew I was lying but I carried on, as Oli had told me.

Oli came rushing and grabbed my arm and pulled me up, "What you doing here Weinhofen?" Oli growled..
"Just introducing myself to Nicholl's cousin, problem?" Jona snarled back at Oli
Matt joined in and took my hand, "Causing trouble again Jona?" He spitted

I was actually enjoying the verbal match between Bring me the horizon and ex member, Jona. 

"I never caught your name sweetheart, what was it?" Jona asked, bending down to my height.
"Ve-" I was cut off by Jordan. "Why does it matter to you?" Jona stood up straight and leaned towards me..
"Well, see you later Vee." He shook my hand, smiled and winked then nodding towards my hand.
Oli and the others were too busy looking at him walking away and onto the stage they weren't concentrating on me.

I opened my hand and Jona had given me his number. I knew it wasn't for a date or anything along them lines. He had a hunch. 

I shoved the number into my pocket. With Matt still holding on to my other hand, we all raced out of the arena and into a car. It was large, blacked out windows. 

Lee got into the drivers side and Oli sat next to him, I sat at the back with Jordan and Matt and Vegan were in front of us. 

'You tired yet?" Jordan asked, I nodded and I leaned down and rested my head onto Jordan's lap. I heard the car start and slowly pull away. I counted to ten, in my head and let sleep get the better of me. 


I woke up but I didn't move, I was still perfectly placed on Jordan's lap, I opened one eye to see where we were but all I could see was the seat in front of me and Matt's head. 

"We nearly there yet?" Vegan asked. 
"Yeah, 5 more minutes mate." Lee replied quickly.

Where were we going? We must have been in the car a long time. I had notice Jordan had put his jacket over me to keep me warm, he was so caring. I smiled slightly but only quickly because I didn't want anyone to notice I was awake.

The car stopped and Lee and Oli hopped out followed by Matt and Vegan. 
"Wake her up Jordan!" cried Oli from outside the car.

I was lightly shaken, "Vee, we're here." I pretend to wake up and squinted my eyes and got up, chucking my legs over the seat. 
Jordan opened the heavy door on his side and jumped out, giving me his hand I reluctantly held it and he carefully pulled me out. 

I turned, still holding Jordan's hand. We were at some secluded cottage. It was quiet but the grounds looked like they went on for miles. Oli came through the front door. "Don't just stand there, get in!" He demanded. 

The insides weren't as old as the outisde. They were modern. "Show her to her room, you seem to be pretty close you two." Oli said to Jordan. I looked up at the thin man who was still holding my hand. 
We walked the short distance to what I guessed was my 'room' it was average size with a double bed. 
"I'll be sleeping next to you, we can't have you running off." Jordan informed me.

It strangely didn't bother me. The fact that Jordan would be sleeping in the same bed as me, we had become close and I looked at him for comfort. But nothing stopped the fact I wanted to go home. To see my mum. Seeing dad would just make me upset. I didn't want him round me, I was always scared that he would hit me one day, lose his temper and just lash out. 

I let go of Jordan's hand and looked around the room, there was pantings hung on the wall, a walk in wardrobe and a bathroom by the side. I finally sat down on the bed and Jordan peeled away from the door frame and sat with me. "How you feeling today?" He asked. "Home." I swiftly replied.

"Velocity please? I'm trying to make it feel like home here." Jordan moaned.
"HOME! HOME! This will never be home!" I snapped, losing my patience. 

Lee came rushing through, "Keep it down will ya'?" and walked straight out again. 
My hands turned into fists and I ran into the bathroom and locked it shut. At least this one had a lock. I leaned up against the door and I heard Jordan running towards and banging. He was joined by others pretty quickly..

I ignored the bangs, I turned around to the counter, and there on the side, lied razors. Perfectly packaged. I crawled to them, desperate and took them out. I was used to pulling apart razors. I cut my fingers but finally I achieved my goal and finally taking the blade out. It didn't take me a second to think about it as I brought the blade to my skin, blood appearing, I didn't stop. 1 cut, 2 cuts, 3 cuts, 4 cuts I needed more. 5 cuts, 6 cuts. I reached the part of my arm where it met my elbow and dropped the blade. The floor and I were covered in blood. I felt myself become drousy and fell to my back, hitting the hard tiles. 

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