Chapter 12: I should've known, the tides were getting higher.

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Hey! So basically, I've got back into writing this story and will be trying to write as much as I can!

"It's not your fault Vee." Jordan whispered, putting his seat belt over his torso. I didn't want to answer, I didn't know how to. All that kept running through my mind was the memories of me and Jona, the days I watched him rock out in practise, when he would surprise me with trips to take me away from my mother. And now he's left lifeless. Because of me. I knew being happy was too good to be true. 

We got back to Josh's place and parked in the driveway. I opened the door and ran straight to my room, tucked myself into my bed and cried into my pillow. The memories of the time when I cried to Jordan came rushing back as he put his arm on my shoulder. I turned over and brought myself up, I wiped my eyes and took in his hug. 
"I'm a time bomb Jordan, I ruin everyone and everything I touch." I cried.
"The lyrics are actually, everything I touch, turns to stone..." Jordan joked, trying to lighten the mood.
"Then, wrap your arms around me." I whispered, with tears staining my cheeks.
"I'm never gonna' leave you though, not now, not ever." Jordan pulled me in, wrapping his arms so tightly around me. 

"Hey, is she okay?" Josh asked, closing the door behind him and joining us on the bed. 
"Yeah, I'm just in shock, I think." I answered, pulling away from the hug. 
"Someone's here to see you, they want to see you.." Josh informed me, giving me an unsure smile.
"I don't want to see anyone Josh, not today." There was no way I could pretend I was okay and go and greet people. "You'll want to see this person." Josh said.

I wiped my face with my jumper sleeve and walked down the stairs, "They're in the kitchen." Josh led.
I was shocked to see a face so familiar giving me a weak smile as I peered around the kitchen door. 

"Hi, I'm Cameron Liddell."
"Yeah, I know who you are.." What was he doing here? I mean, OH MY GOD IT'S CAMERON LIDDELL FROM ASKING ALEXANDRIA BUT.. why was he here? 
"I'm so sorry to hear about Jona. He was such a good person, he still is an amazing person. An inspiring musician." Cameron continued. I nodded and acknowledged is condolences.
"Would it be wrong if I asked if I could have a hug?" I asked Cameron.
He shook his head and I buried my head between his chest. 

"Tea anyone?" Oli asked, walking through the kitchen, turning on the kettle. 
"Two sugars for me." Josh said. 
"Milk and no sugar please mate." Cameron answered, releasing me and sitting back in his seat. 
I took a stool from the breakfast bar and sat down. I took my phone from my pocket, usually I would text Jona, ask how his day was. I sighed and slammed my phone on the bar. Josh looked over to me and sat besides me. 
"He'd want you to be okay, he's safe at the hospital, he'll get better." Josh reassured me.
"He shouldn't be in a coma Josh, he should be at home with me." I mumbled.
He nodded and took his tea from Oli's hand and placed it on the bar. 

We stayed in silence until Matt, Lee and Vegan came through the door; I guess Josh gave them a key after everything that happened, incase I needed him or anything happened. 

"Hey, you alright now Vee?" Matt asked, giving me a hug. I nodded and gave him a smile.
"Ah, alright Liddell. What you doing here?" Matt hadn't noticed Cameron sitting at the table across from me; probably because he wasn't looking for him I guess? 
"I was informed a little one was upset and needed cheering up." Cameron reminded Matt. 
Matt smiled and gave me a 'Oooo aren't you lucky' look and poured himself a drink from the fridge. 

"Haven't you got a concert tonight boys?" Cameron butted in. 
Oli's face was a picture, probably thinking of how much of an idiot Cameron was. I'm guessing they didn't want to let me know because I would have been left without them. 
"Go.." I sighed. 
"We can't leave you." Oli stated, giving his head a shake. "I won't be left though? I'll be with Josh." 
"....That's the thing, I'm singing fuck with Oli tonight," Josh admitted. I faced the floor and closed my eyes.
I was trying to choke back the tears but I couldn't. The thought of being alone made me shake. 
"I'll stay with you." Cameron spoke up. "I would rather stay, knowing you're okay." He carried on. 
My smile formed quickly knowing how much people cared about me. I never had this a year ago, friends, a family. 

"Good idea. Will you be okay Vee?" Oli asked, I nodded and gave him the tightest hug ever. The smell of him filled my nose. He was the best person possible. But right now wasn't the time to fall for Oli. No matter how hard I try to fight it.

"I love you beautiful." He whispered in my ear. "I love you too Oliver." I whispered back. 


"For our last song I want to dedicate it to two very special people in our lives. We want to wish Jona Weinhofen, an ex-member of Bring me the horizon, nothing but health and happiness and in hope that he will still be with us. And to Velocity, you may not know her but she's very close to us, that she gets better and that everything will get better." 

We started to play Hospital for souls, in tribute to Jona and Vee.


Tears started to fall from my eyes but I just let it feed my anger and add to the energy of the song. The crowd was cheering, screaming and singing along. It reminded me of the day Vee came along to band practise and mouthed along to Drown. How happy she was in that small moment until her world came crashing down and if her world ends, so does mine.


I wish I could make all of their pain go away. The way she can't sleep at night, the feeling of my jumper soaking up her tears, it made me so made that I couldn't make all this pain disappear.
My beautiful Velocity was heartbroken. She already lost her sister, she couldn't lose Jona, someone so close to being a brother. I've got to be strong for her, the fans, the boys. I'll do anything to make her happy and safe. 

"THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH. WE'RE BRING ME THE HORIZON AND WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!" I screamed into the mic. We ran off stage and I picked up my phone from my jacket pocket, I found Vee's number and rang it. You could still hear the crowd chanting. 

Velocity's POV

"Hello?" I answered the phone to Oli. Me and Cameron had been watching movies all evening and he even bought me pizza. He told me about Asking Alexandria; which slightly distracted me from the thought of Jona tangled to that machine. 
"Hey Vee, you okay?" Oli asked down the phone. 
"Yeah, I'm okay, when are you coming home?" I asked, I did miss him, I wanted to cuddle him and fall asleep to the rhythm of his breathing. 
"Soon little one, soon." He breathed. I nodded as if he could see me nodding through the phone, of course he couldn't. 
"We'll be coming home in the next 30 minutes." Oli informed me and I smiled and the thought of him being able to cuddle me to sleep brought comfort. 

I put the phone down and walked back into the lounge, where Cam was looking through a trail of DVDs. 
"I don't think I can sit through another girly movie, no offence.." Cam laughed, looking up at me. 
"It's fine, maybe something funnier?" I suggested. He pulled out 21 Jump Street from the pile and put it in the player. "Favourite film Mr Liddell." I laughed, he sat next to me and pulled the blanket over me. 
"Can't have you getting cold." He smiled.

Cam was so nice to me. People get the wrong impression of metal bands; they think just because the members have piercings and tattoos that they're going to be disrespectful assholes. I can 100% prove them wrong and say that they're the most kind and caring people out of everyone I've ever met.

Even though the people I was with made me happy, I was still left in my head wondering if Jona would survive and if he didn't, what would I do? Would I still live with Josh? 

"We're HOME..!" I could hear Matt's voice shout from the hallway. I ran up from my seat and burst through to see Oli with his arms open wide, ready for me to jump and hug him. And I did exactly that. 
"I missed you." I shouted and smiled. He spun me around and kissed my forehead before putting me down. 

"I don't know about you lot, but I'm going to bed!" Vegan said, I looked at the clock and saw it was way after midnight. "Me too, where we sleeping tonight Josh?" Lee agreed. There were so many of them and Josh had 4 bedrooms left, meaning they had to share if Cam wanted to sleep somewhere other than the sofa. 
"Anywhere other than mine and Vee's room." Josh joked and made his way upstairs, they all followed. 
"Night Cam." I shouted from the bottom of the stairs. "Night little one." He repeated back.
I walked up to meet Oli who was waiting for me at my door.  "Finally, I can sleep." I laughed. 

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