Chapter 9: Even hell can get comfy, once you've settled in.

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  • Dedicated to Everyone who's been saved by BMTH.

I woke up the same way I did everyday, with a knock on my door from Josh. I had been staying here for about a week now and had another 3 months to go. 

"Another package?" I asked, emerging from my bed. "Yeah, addressed to you." he responded.
Jona had been sending me 'I'm sorry I left you with Josh presents' which I wasn't complaining about, he sent me things from band merchandise to new converse. But the presents didn't matter to me, it was him not being here that bothered me. 
"What's it this time?" Josh asked, peaking over the box. "A new pair of boots." These were the ones I had wanted for ages and he knew that this would win my heart. 

I went downstairs and grabbed a cereal box out the cupboard and poured it in the bowl, followed by the milk and sat down next to Josh at the kitchen table. "The bring me boys are coming over today" After everything with boys I had moved on and become good friends with them and become especially close with Oli. "Ah, okay, haven't seen them since we left the hotel." I finished my breakfast and ran upstairs to get dressed. I picked out my favourite burgundy ripped jeans, a pink jumper with jewls on the shoulders and the new boots Jona had bought me and grabbed my sunglasses and popped them on my head.

"YOU READY VEE?" Josh shouted from the bottom of the stairs.
"GOOD BECAUSE THEY'RE HERE!" Josh shouted, I opened my door and run down the stairs and jumped into Oli's arms.
"Hey kiddo" I missed Oli, on the night after the concert he came back to my room to watch Tv and I ended up sleeping in his arms, nothing happened but it was so cute to wake up next to him, in the same position I had slept in.
"Hey!" I jumped down and greeted everyone, Jordan seemed pretty weird with me but I don't blame him after everything, he was the one who looked after me and cared for me and I've kind of pushed him aside.  
"How about we go out? All of us?" Oli suggested, everyone nodded in agreement and we headed out the door. 

I jumped in Josh's car with everyone and sat with Oli. We made our way too a small bar/restaurant place and parked up.
"You're legal now, you can drink til your heart contents." Josh winked and laughed, I wasn't really a drinking type of person really. I would have a few here and there at parties but I wouldn't go out purposely to get drunk.

Oliver's pov

Nothing looked as beautiful as Velocity looked as she stepped out of the car. The wind caught her hair and blew it past her face gracefully and the sun beamed on her, making her look amazing. 
"If you stare at her any longer you might get stuck like that." Lee laughed as he walked past me and into the bar. I quickly shook myself out of the trance and followed everyone in. 

"I'll get the drinks, what's everyones speciality?" Vegan asked, everyone said their drink and Matt followed him up to the bar to help.  Vee said next to me, Josh sat next to her and on the other side Jordan sat with Lee. Jordan was acting really weird lately and quiet, I couldn't help but think it was because he had something for Velocity but she didn't feel it back? 
It wasn't long until Matt and Vegan came back with our drinks, I had just ordered a beer but Velocity had ordered some fancy cocktail, she had really changed since we met her. She had become more girly, lost the emo phase and had grown into an adult. 

"So what's it been like living at The hotel of Franceschi?" Lee laughed, while taking a sip of his beer. 
"It's great, tea and toast in the morning, sometimes I even get cereal." Vee laughed and gave Josh a wink. She had a lot more confidence than the first time we met her and it was really starting to show.
"So why did Jona leave you here?" Jordan piped up.
Vee looked down at her drink and took a massive gulp; "He went to Germany with his band, I guess he couldn't take me with him." She was obviously upset about this..
"How come you couldn't go home?" I asked, she did have a home and it did confuse me when I found out she was living with Josh.
"Mum doesn't come home very much, since Dad left her, she just drinks." She answered.
"Well, if it's any help.. we wouldn't leave you to go on tour. You're too good to leave here!" I smiled and she gave me a sad smile back, she didn't deserve the things that had happened to her and I guess, I was half to blame. 

Everyone sat in silence and drank their drinks trying to think of conversations after the awkward encounter about Velocity and Jona. 

Velocity's pov

We had been at the bar for hours now and I hadn't stopped laughing throughout the time we were there. The bring me boys shared stories of their tours and their crazy fans. Josh had told them about his tour stories, none of us had a dull moment to share. 
"So who's up for another drink?" I asked. Everyone nodded and I headed up to the bar. Running behind me Oliver got up from his seat and came up to help me with the drinks. We got the bar and ordered the drinks. "5 beers and a sex on the beach please." I asked the bartender and he nodded and prepared the drinks. "So you slowly forgetting about Jona?" Oli asked. "Why don't you like him Ols?" 
He took a sigh and began to tell me what happened, "None of us really got on with him, he was controlling of the band to be honest and it's no one's band, it's everyones, no one is incharge." You could hear the sadness in his voice and how much the band meant to him. 
The bartender handed the drinks over on and tray and I paid. 
"Excuse me love, are you single?" The bartender asked, as I got up from the bar stool
"Erm, yes.. why?" I was blushing, I could feel the heat on my cheeks burning.
He lent over the bar and handed me a napkin with his number on it, "Oh, thank you-" he interupted as he said his name, "-Austin." 
I tucked the napkin into my pocket and walked away with Oliver, who was looking rather flustered, I brushed off his attitude and sat back down with everyone else. 


"Come on mate, maybe you've had a bit too much to drink." Lee said to Jordan as he picked him up by his arm and slung it over his shoulder. I picked up my bag and followed everyone else out of the bar, Jordan hadn't stopped drinking and everyone had started to get worried, so we all decided we could leave and go back to Josh's house and put Jordan in my bed for the night, of course I would sleep downstairs. 
We got into Josh's car and helped buckle Jordan in, Oli and Lee sat in the back to make sure Jordan was okay and safe and Matt and Vegan sat in the very back seats, it was handy that Josh had such a big car. Luckily Josh had said he wouldn't drink so he could drive, I plonked myself in the passengers seat and we drove back to Josh's house. 

I looked back to Oli and he gave me a smile, when I turned to see Jordan passed out with his head bouncing against the window as we drove along. What was he doing with himself lately. 

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