Chapter 11: Hold on beautiful.

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  • Dedicated to To everyone who is suffering..


A few weeks had past since I had seen the bring me boys. They had been busy with band practise and writing new music; I had been busy with everything too. I hadn't been to school in months and I had felt so much better; school isn't a place to feel happy and safe, it just made me a miserable person. Being with Josh, Oli, Jordan, Lee, Matt and Vegan made me the person I always wanted to be, happy, bubbly and well the real me. They called the real me 'emo' and in no shape or form am I going to deny that I'm not emo because I am. Just leaving the stereotypical 'cutting' in my past. 

I was starting to miss Jona. Instead of gifts and presents he sent me long letters instead, he told me that he missed his little sister and when he comes back he's going to treat me like a princess but he hadn't sent anything in weeks. None of that change the fact he left me with a stranger, well not a complete stranger but, you get the idea.

Josh was becoming my best friend, another brother to add to the list. He would take me to band practise and I would comment on which songs were my favourite. I got to meet All time low and Pierce the veil one day and I did freak out in front of Alex and Vic. They didn't seem to bothered, I was just on going about how much I loved their music. I think Josh just found it funny but kept his distance as I had my moment of being a fangirl. 

My tattoo had healed nicely and when I looked at it made me smile, knowing I had people them by my side; no matter what. 

"Morning little one, thought I could hear you walking about." Josh walked into the kitchen and made himself some cereal. I was too busy on my phone to look up; "Yeah, good morning." I answered, with my head buried in my phone screen. 

>Morning beautiful, fancy coming to band practise with us?<
>Sure, what time?<
>Me and Matt will come and pick you up at 11?< 

"Ooooo who you texting?" Josh gently shoved me as he walked past and sat down at the breakfast bar. 

"No one.." I blushed.
"Okay, okay. I get 3 guesses but I 100% will know who." Josh smirked
I nodded proudly, knowing he would know anyway.
"Matt?" "Nope"
"Jordan." "Nope"
"Then it's Mr Sykes." I smiled and looked down at my phone, '10:30am'

"Shit, I'm going band practise with Oli, he asked if I wanted to come. Is that alright?" I asked
"Yeah course, my boys are coming over. It will save the trouble of telling them why you're still here." Josh laughed.

I legged it up the stairs and into my room. I chose the best outfit possible. Of course reflecting my personality. I found my Pierce the veil tour t-shirt and some black ripped jeans. I put my long hair into a plait that slung round to my shoulder. My make up was minimal for once and I decided to just put a bit of wing eyeliner and mascara. 

Before I knew it, Oli was honking outside. I looked outside the window and gave him a smile. I ran down the stairs, "See you later." I said to Josh as I walked out the door. 
I hopped into Oli's car and gave him a hug hello, awkwardly leaning over. 

"So, how've you been?" Oli asked
"Erm, so you've been texting me for weeks but you still don't know how I am?" I joked..
"Alright, alright. How about something to eat?" He changed his tone, I meant it as a joke, not as something nasty or mean.
"I'm sorry if that came out wrong.. I meant it as a joke."
"Don't worry, Mcdonalds? What do you want?" Oli asked me, I shrugged my shoulders. 

We decided to get Mcdonalds as it was the closest to where we were heading. 


I missed Vee and yes we had been texting pretty much everyday, but it never beats seeing that person face to face. Her laugh, her long hair, her smile, the way she pulls her top over her face when she's embarrassed. She made my heart pound. Oh Sykes, you're losing your manly touch. 

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