Chapter 3

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I woke up about 4:30 in the morning because the sirens were going off they were really loud. I thought it was an emergency drill so I laid in my bed stretching. I took out my phone checking to see if I had any reply from Emily. I saw my door open a crack and a shadow approaching the room. I checked the room around. The room was empty Mark, Schenon everyone had left. Instantly I jumped and hid in the closet under the clothes hanging over me. I heard whatever was approaching the door by the sounds of it, it seemed unearthly like a deep growl. I took a deep breath and held it in. The closet door suddenly flew open and thrown across the room. I almost felt a hand on my shoulder as if someone was searching for something in the closet. It was one of the infected who was followed by 2 other infected people.They wrecked the whole room. The whole base was destroyed. I tried reaching for my phone from inside of the closet sneakily but I couldn't as it was a little further away from my reach. I still tried reaching for it. Then I saw one of them. He picked up the bed from one side searching if someone was under the bed and kept it over my phone without realizing it, it was all shattered. Fearing they might hear me, I did nothing. Neither could I do anything. When the humans left, I slithered out of the closet tried to take my phone out by it was sandwiched between the heavy bed which I couldn't move an inch and the floor. Its screen was cracked badly so I left it there and searched the hall way. I ran towards the control center; everyone was lying there dead. Blood came out of Jane's head everyone had wounds and no one was alive except for Alison. She was heavily wounded;she was under the big conference table which was flipped on her. She called on me as I ran towards her, she said, "you're not safe here. head to the Chinese base you'll be a lot safe there" I tried pushing the table off of her but it wouldn't budge she whispered, "forget about me save yourself. I'm almost dead anyway .... and oh, keep this with yourself at all times" she handed me a notebook with a pencil it had blood on it but the pages were all clean. I took the notebook and pencil. I tried communicating through the system deck, but it was all wrecked. Nothing worked I wasn't able to send a single signal. Suddenly the fire alarms went off Alison from the top of her lungs she told me to leave.I saw tears in her eyes, I knew she was crying not because she was dying but because she won't be able to see her children again which she wants to meet really badly for the past 18 year. I ran to the equipment room. Grabbed a big bag. I filled it with canned food, 2 fresh pairs of clothes and a pack of water bottles. Also, I carried a separate bag for guns and explosives. Heading out was a tough job the entrance and exits were jammed because they were blocked from the outside. I had no clue on how to get out of the base. The base started filling with smoke I ducked down. It seemed as if the base was about to fall apart. I looked up and saw the smoke escaping through the air vents. I ran up the stairs to the terrace and found a spot to jump off the roof, it was a 9-foot-long jump which had an electric fence going through the middle of it. I had to not only jump off of a building but I also had to jump over a fence half way through. Suddenly the base behind me started collapsing from the distance. I took a few steps back ready to jump. I came running and jumped in midair I realized that life will never be the same after this everything has changed. I managed to cross the electric fence. I landed on the dried leaves of a tree. I checked the strap of my bag it had a compass but it was not working at the moment. I hid behind the trees. And kept my eye on the base. Soon I saw the sun climbing the mountain from behind me and I felt a chill down my spine. I had nowhere to go, enough food to survive me 2 weeks and no shelter. I was alone. No one was around, the forest was dense there was nothing left but to head inside and check on Alison and the rest, maybe give them some first aid or medication. I started walking towards the base cutting the electric fence with the wire cutters but then suddenly the whole thing collapsed. I had no device on me which would help me get a hold of someone. My phone was crushed and I had nothing which could help me communicate with someone. I had food, clothing, weapons, a compass which didn't want to work, a map on the other strap and the notebook and a pencil that Alison gave me as she was about to die. It was nothing as I imagined. I had two choices first to keep moving on and reach the Chinese base or to check on my base weather it still is possible to send SOS signals. I had less hopes for the second option and also I was not looking forward to the first one.

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