Chapter 23

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"why is the self-destruct on?" I rushed into him "the plan was to demolish the building and then the atmosphere release so that it would be easy to remove all traces and be a new start to the human on Earth. So, that there would be no proof left on mars that we were here before" we were hurrying, I pulled Isabel with one hand, and headed to the glass door exit. Without looking again, I was running with Isabel down the stairs. My wound was bleeding even more. I could feel the blood dripping down my elbow. Running towards the door suddenly I pulled Isabel back. A gasp jumped out of her lips. There was a huge part of the ceiling which fell right In front of us crushing the door. That was the only exit we had. We turned around, I grabbed her dad and asked him, "now where do we leave?" "that was the only door" I looked around and started checking the control desks. I saw a fire extinguisher there right under a deck. I pulled it out and threw it to the glass wall. I turned around as fast as possible. Breaking one glass wall, made the other 2 walls break. Because I had broken 3 glass walls at one shot There was glass everywhere, I looked at Isabel. She found it funny. I pulled her and her dad out of the room "no time to laugh. We need to leave" I looked behind her dad was following us but he was not as fast. I turned around and told Isabel to keep going forward. I grabbed her dad he had a piece of glass in his leg I said, "you have glass in your leg!" "I know it hurts soo much and I'm also tired" "no don't be tired. We need to get out of here" "son.... If I don't make it, tell me you'll take care of her.... take care of my daughter" "trust me we we'll make it" he was leaving a blood trail as he was walking he grabbed my shoulder tight he said, "promise me you'll take care of my daughter" I looked at his condition he was panting and the blood was too much he was losing conscience and was about to faint "I promise" I know I had made a promise but I couldn't leave him here, Isabel would be devastated. She had already planned to live with him the same way they used to live. He looked at me his glasses almost falling off his ear he said, "Tell Isabel I love her and I'll always be there for her. I will visit her often" his eyes started closing his hand hung from his body. I slowly let go of him, laying him on the ground I looked up. I saw Isabel at the distance she was looking at us she was crying she started running towards us but then I said, "NO! Isabel the other way!" she was crying I grabbed her in the middle. I held her tight and said, "Isabel! Isabel! Look at me! It's alright. It's alright" she looked at me she grabbed me tight. She was either wet because of the tears or sweat I couldn't tell. She kept looking back at her dad. We turned around and we saw the doors. The doors that could lead us out of the building. Some parts were collapsing behind us. With loud blasts at the entrance we saw guards. They started shooting at us dodging some bullets. We had no cover and we had no weapon. Going back was not an option. Suddenly out of nowhere a girl jumped right In front of us she was armed and I looked closely she had a red band over her head. I could only see the back part of her head long black hair. She was a part of the alpha team. She shot all of the 4 men without hesitation. Grabbing Isabel with one hand I grabbed the girl with the other and I tried running outside but then suddenly the entrance collapsed. There was nowhere to go smoke was filling, the building was collapsing from behind, the entrance was jammed. Instinctively I was reminded of the Italian base. I pulled them to the stairs to my right and skipped them. We reached the top and looked at the other side the whole building had collapsed behind us and only a part was left. I pulled them around and we could see the edge of the building. I grabbed on to them tighter and started running to the edge and as we reached to the edge of the building I yelled, "JUMP!" our jump had cast eternal silence. Nothing was audible, just faint screams of the people outside. We jumped altogether off of the building. I thought that this is the third time I'm jumping off a building like this. I know it's crazy and its scary for the first time but you'll get the hang of it. The second time is much less scary and you know with time that jumping off of buildings like this, life will never be the same, all had changed and things become less scary especially when you're not alone. I was alone the first time. And I wished that this is the last. We were just milliseconds saved or else we would've been trapped in the building. We ran away from the building about 10 steps ahead there were many people aiming on us. They thought we were from the WWO's as they couldn't see us. Suddenly the girl dropped her weapon and pulled the red cloth which was tied to her head off and waved it in the air. We heard a loud cheer. We were happy and some people were celebrating. I looked back at the headquarter it was nothing just a few pillars standing with metal seeking out of them. I stopped everyone by showing a signal of hands. Everyone silenced looking at the headquarters amidst the debris and dust floating in the air. We saw 5 people coming out of the building unarmed the were holding their hands up in the air they said, "we surrender were here to help you" I told the others to keep their weapons down. They told us everything, "if you hurry you can stop Jack, the rockets will still work" I said aloud "alpha team get in the rockets there's some unfinished business to do no time to question" they all followed me into 3 giant rockets which were jam packed. I held the girl and I said, "you stay here honey. Thank you very much. Just find your family and stick with them" "yes I will... all the best" we parted our ways. There were people in the control center which couldn't launch all three rockets together but two at a time and then launch the last one. We were in the rockets and through the panel calling. I told the other rocket passengers what the plan was. I said, "we are all headed down on Earth to capture the main mastermind of the Vordox"

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