Chapter 11

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I had closed my eyes I was trying to sleep but I was awake remembering what I was taught in the army grounds. Mr. Ridgie with his pale harsh voice "all of the men on the field cannot sleep the same time, together!" grinding his teeth. Around 12:30 I got up it was silent everywhere. It was soo silent that I could hear the brimming river that we jumped in from the bridge. It was not far from where we were. I got up from the bed and wanted to see where the river was. So, I went to the window and got a sight of the river. It was about 3 houses away. I had no idea why we didn't see that before. I do think maybe because of the mist and the fog. I turned around Isabel was gone. She was not in the bed anymore. Her side of the bed was empty. Where could she had gone? What happened to her now? pondering I went to my side of the bed looking for her. She was nowhere to be found. I looked straight to her side of the bed and I looked across it. I saw the window through which I was looking at the river. Isabel was standing next to it. She was crying I could see her wiping her tears. I said nothing and laid down. I guess it all had made sense what I saw that day in her base she was sleep walking like today and stood next to the window. I don't know why I didn't go there to comfort her and ask her what was wrong. I laid down as if I was sleeping and I didn't notice. All of a sudden, I heard the loud noises again. The loud weird noises. they were soo intense as if it came out of somewhere close. I grabbed hold of Isabel put her to bed and shook her very strongly. She woke up instantly. She was definitely sleepwalking she asked, "what! why did......" I suddenly closed her mouth. In sign language I told her that they were outside. She understood and we both climbed on the bed and through the vent we looked at the infected. We both recognized the same person from the church the one who was wearing was wearing the same hoodie torn from the back and sleeve. We said at the same time, "it's the same person from the church" we got rather excited telling the other about this and in this excitement, we said this a bit too loud that the infected heard us. They suddenly rushed towards our house. Smashing the door. I pulled Isabel to the stairs grabbing her bags and told her to go to the terrace and find a way out for us. She put on her bag she said, "don't forget to bring the hover boots" "that's why I'm staying" "be safe" she looked into my eyes. I thought that this might be the last time seeing her. I let go of her hand turned around grabbed my backpack and extended the cord socket till its max capacity to a closet and hid in it. I had the hover boots in my arms. Suddenly I heard the door break open and Isabel's footsteps on the terrace. The infected had entered the house. They were the same people we fought off from the church.

I was tensed. I was sitting in the closet shoving the hover boots into my chest. I heard some wrecking the downstairs. I heard glassware thrown here and there. It was finally 12:50 and in about 10 minutes they were about to be fully charged and enough to last us till Spain or France. I heard them wreck the bed. They threw stuff around. Thank God we had packed already before sleeping. Suddenly someone opened the closet. The closet was empty. I thought that I would be found. I was about to jump out of the closet but there were still 6 minutes left. Just as I remembered Isabel's words, she had told me that they can't see until they sense movement or hear something. I took a deep breath and held it in. I was sitting there still as a rock. He put his hand in the closet to search if something were in the closet. His hand went right next to my ear. I was scared. Slowly I twisted my wrist and saw my watch show 1:00 and I couldn't hold my breath in for longer. I breathed out he heard it. He suddenly with his claws scratched the inside of the closet yelling and ripping the door open. I managed to crawl under his legs. He threw the closet away. He managed to throw it right on top of the recently wrecked bed by one of his friends. I had not unplugged the boots till now and in a go, I rushed towards the stairs. Suddenly one saw me. He was climbing the stairs up to me. As soon as he saw me, he started yelling and came running towards me. I ran upstairs and the cord had blocked the path. His neck got stuck to it and he fell to the ground. I took out the cord from the boots and rolled the cord on the side of a railing. I was running upstairs didn't notice someone follow me. A person was running behind me she was soo fast that she grabbed hold of me. She started yelling calling the other people but as she was yelling, she kept on climbing the stairs and in one step we had reached the terrace suddenly I heard, "DUCK!" I immediately ducked being clutched to her. I heard a loud bang and something bumped my head. It was Isabel she used a shovel it got the infected straight in the face and back to my head I said, "nice shot next time be more careful." Rubbing my head "Now tell me what's the plan?" she was about to tell me. She was walking to the corner I was following her until we heard a lot of people coming up behind us. They started approaching us again this time, slowly making it seem scarier. She climbed the railing there were high energy lines crossing the house. She threw a cloth around one of the cords. She checked its strength by pulling it really hard. We were about to slide on it. I climbed the railing behind her almost falling over. I hugged her from behind and we jumped. Sliding suddenly, we heard a loud snap it was the cable it broke from where we had started. We were half way towards the pole I saw the river it was almost 10 meters away. There was so less time and everything started seeming as a blur. The cord had snapped the pole was far away from us and nothing underneath us to save us. She suddenly let go of the cloth and grabbed the cable. Slid a few meters down the cable and swung on it like a vine. The cloth she had let go of dropped on my face blocking my view. I could see nothing only darkness. I started yelling as loud as I could and held her tighter. She swung across the line. If we continued, we almost would be able to cross the river, but we still didn't have enough length of cord. She almost had let go of the cord we were at the bottom of the cord. Taking a deep breath, she let go of the cord. I could see nothing I felt we were falling I started yelling louder. I thought we might not make it. We were 4 meters above the ground I couldn't see anything I started yelling, "if we don't make it, remember we had a great run" I was being dramatic. Until we touched the ground on the bank of the river on the other side. I thought I had touched heaven so I held Isabel tighter and we fell on the rocks. I tried taking the cloth off but it wouldn't come off it was wrapped around my neck. I let go of her she turned around and took the cloth off of my face looked at me and said, "no one's dying you're all okay now stop yelling" "ohh." Well that was embarrassing I thought I would never mention it to my "journal" but here I am making a joke of myself. We sat there breathing heavily they weren't following us. Once again set off to our journey.

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