Chapter 6

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It was about 2 in the night; I had finally slept for about half an hour. I woke up to a horrible nightmare of my daughter yelling for help. She was hanging off a cliff. I couldn't help her because I was tied to a pole with heavy chains. It was a very realistic dream, there was a loud constant metal banging sound. Which went on going deeper and deeper as my dream ended. I suddenly woke up rubbing my eyes, my head hurt. Then I was up for a while and I couldn't sleep. Suddenly I heard something drop I guessed it was a kitchen utensil falling on the floor. I took out my gun and slowly approached the kitchen. Suddenly the lights turned on I heard the switch click from behind me. So, I turned around swiftly. It was Isabel she had a gun in her hand too she said, "what are you doing up so late and what did you drop?" in her sleepy voice her hair all messed up crazy. I couldn't hold my laughter in. I replied, "nothing I heard something drop and ran up to the kitchen to see what it was?" I lowered my weapon so did Isabel. We turned around to our rooms but then Suddenly, we heard something else drop. It came from the kitchen again we turned around as quick as possible. Isabel in sign language told me to cover her and stay low. She climbed on the kitchen cook top peeping on what the noise was. She looked over and said, "ooh Maxie it's you why did you scare mommy like that" I walked around the corner and saw a Golden Retriever wagging his tail. I asked, "weren't Golden Retrievers extinct?" she refused, "they weren't I have 4 of them and one of them is 9 days pregnant she has about 5 children inside her" I was surprised I said, "how can this be possible. The whole world was searching for them. Every base sent 3 members to look for them, yet we haven't seen them in 18 years" "well lucky for you, you saw one" I asked her how did she happen to have one. She said she loved dogs and already had one as her own pet when she was little but eventually, he died. Now she had Maxie with her who she met near the subway entrance. she said, "it's getting late I think we should sleep" I said, "yeah I'm going back to sleep I'll have to get up early tomorrow, need a lot of traveling to do" Isabel said hesitated, "can I join?" I said, "yeah. Of course, you can. You should even come up to Mars with me. Meet your family and everyone" she said she'll have to think of it "I'm not joining you because I want to, I'm joining you because you won't last a day without me" she said laughing, I mimicked her in the most funny way possible, "you won't last a day without me" making a funny face. We went back to our beds and slept.

I was curious. It was about 4 in the morning, I gotoff the bed. I wanted to explore what was on the right side of the split path. Oppositeto the surveillance room. I got out of my room silently and sneaked out of thehouse. Isabel must be asleep and everything was pitch black. I was using the torchon my watch. While going out I almost stepped on Maxie's foot waking him up butI was stealthy enough to get away with it. Without him getting up. I slid passthe creek of the door but while opening the door the noise almost woke Maxie up.It was a close call. As I got out of the house, I tried being sneaky andstarted moving towards the split path. As I was about to enter the second path,I turned around to check whether Isabel wasn't looking at me through the window.I saw Isabel, she was standing staring straight at me her eyes wide openlooking at me through the window I was scared. I thought she'll kick me outbecause now she thinks that I snuck out, and I tried to go somewhere I'm notsupposed to. I think she might not trust me after this. So, I acted it out, likeI didn't see her there. I started going in circles as if I was doing a nightwalk, this late at night. Something in me knew that she did realize I was goingto take the right turn. After a few laps I rushed in my room and slept like ababy without making a single noise or tantrum. 

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