Chapter 18

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I was standing there still as ice not a single muscle was moving. Everything had come to an end for me but I felt as if they were telling me, they were telling me that I had lost my only hope. Watching her leave the room broke me into pieces. I did nothing. I stood there maybe It was my ego not to go after her, maybe it was a wrong decision or maybe I overreacted. Why did I not go after her? Why was I still there in the room when everyone was looking at me like that? What had hit me so hard, that I couldn't even feel myself? I turned to my right and stormed out of the room holding my tears back. Everyone saw me with silence as the door closed behind me loudly. I started power-walking to the garden. I was out of the building and sat on a bench. I put my hands on my face and in a few seconds, I was crying, I couldn't hold it back anymore. I could hear the grasshoppers singing to the tune of silence and some insects buzzing. As I opened my eyes I saw nothing but darkness it was almost time for sunrise but the sun chose not to, it chose to be dark as my soul. I couldn't help but go with it. I was sobbing having all the flashbacks of the good memories I had with Isabel: finding each other, going in the zoo, laughing on something, staring at her when she fixed her hair, her engaging and steady smile, falling off the bridge, jumping in the river, her falling asleep on my shoulder with no fear just trust, saving her from her sister, pulling her out of the church, riding the scooter and the boat, jumping off from the cliff and sharing all sorts of things. I opened my eyes wiping my tears that I had not only lost a friend and my daughter today, but I had lost whoever I was. My world had shattered into pieces.

Sitting there with nowhere to go, I was staring into the dark, when suddenly I saw a flash of light In front of me coming from behind. I turned around and it came again this time it hit my eyes and face. It was coming from the roof of the building the light was moving is such a manner it seemed as if someone was controlling it. I couldn't see what was on top of the building. I was curious and went to find out who was there. I took another entrance of the building from where no one was sitting. I climbed up the stairs and I saw Isabel. She was sitting there on the edge I walked close to her and said, "hey I know you're angry but I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that" she turned around, she was smiling I was confused, "well you did the right thing" "what?" "well you see I wanted everyone in the base to think that we've been separated so that we can put together the escape plan" "you mean this was your plan to make them think that we are separated?" "yes I'm sorry if I hurt you but always remember I will never lose you, you'll always be by my side" something in me enlightened I said, "I will never lose you too" she told me the whole plan it was early, from sun-up. I had completely packed and so did she. Everyone now had scattered we had matched our watched she left her room took a right and after a minute. I left mine she was walking In front of me with her bag she climbed the stairs and I threw my bag to her when no one was watching. She caught it and ran up the stairs I checked both the directions and headed straight into the command center. It was empty. I walked fast towards the rocket zone where the hopeless rocket was sitting I jumped off the balcony and went right under the rocked. I pulled a screw drill out of my jackets pocket and opened some screws. Unexpectedly the panel fell to the ground and made a loud sound. I pulled some wires out and grabbed a small chip and pulled it out properly and tapped it. It started glowing and read, "95%" this told me how damaged it is I put it in my pocket and suddenly heard a loud stomp, it was Isabel she was doing that from the terrace. So that I know everything is clear she was monitoring the cameras from up there through her device. Suddenly I heard 3 stomps that was the code word of something wrong I suddenly climbed up the stairs and hid right next to the door. I peeked in and I saw Ethan he was armed coming in slowly towards me. He had a steady hand he knew we were up to something. As soon as he opened the door, I grabbed the gun and twisted his hand. He yelled and in defense he headbutted me my nose started bleeding and I pushed him to the side on the railing. I twisted his hand even more allowing him to almost cross the balcony. I pushed him off the railing he fell of the balcony. I ran inside closed the door behind me and set the most random number password that came to my mind. Ethan was in the rocket room locked nowhere to go and suddenly he climbed the stairs I ran out of the room I heard him shooting the bullet through the glass but turned out it was nanofiber iriticium not a single bullet penetrated it. I could hear him scream it was almost faint. I ran up the stairs no one saw me but when I reached to the terrace. It was time for sunrise. I could see the sun coming up slowly but I couldn't see Isabel. We were supposed to meet here. I looked back and I saw her up on the structure over the stairs. She jumped off and we ran to the rope-way. The rope-way which took us till Spain. There were 3 rope-ways on the terrace. It was a closed cube but traveled fast which was 4 stories above the ground. We climbed on. First it took us to its maximum height and then we zoomed fast to Spain. On the way I showed Isabel the chip and she said it was the right one. She explained the plan further on what to do next I listened to every single instruction carefully and nodded in yes.

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