Chapter 4: Investigation

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"Can you guys stop fighting? W-We need to start investigating." Milina stood up from the ground, wiping her eyes to get away the tears. "Are you sure you're okay to help us Milina?" Shuichi asked with a concerned look. "What, I'm not going to not investigate. We need to find out who the killer is." Milina explained, her voice breaking everyone few words as she tried to keep it together. Stepping away from the bodies. "Alright, alright. Here's the Monokuma files for our two new victims. Ya better start investigating." Monokuma sang out as the Monokubs handed out the files. With that Monokuma whisked himself away. "Alright, let's go and find the culprit. I'll try my hardest." Kokichi said with a smile. "Why are you so cheery?" Himiko glared at the boy. "Well, what're you sad about? Miu wasn't exactly well liked and Asuka was never much help. So it doesn't matter if they died." The supreme leader shrugged. There was some more bickering between Kaito, Kokichi and Shuichi but Milina went straight investigating. She picked up both of the files and started to read through them. "Miu died around 6:30 am while Asuka died around 6:45 am. Miu was the first victim." The liar mumbled to herself, trying to block out all of her emotions. She had been good at it before but seeing her close friend dead on the ground just broke the wall she had used.

Milina looked back over to the body, and read the files again. "Her injuries was on the head and back... looks like she was thrown..." The girl muttered again, and decided to check for anything suspicious. "I'm sorry... I couldn't protect you... Asuka..." The brunette started to search around her body, and found some break point of the computer machine. "It looks like... it's broken..." Milina mumbled, and walked over to Miu's body. "It seems like she's trying to resist from something... like a rope..." Maki said, looking at the body. "Yeah, but... why is she like this? I mean, if someone got strangled, they'd release their arm after that, right...? That's weird..." The liar commented. "Hey, hey! Look at what I found!" Kokichi suddenly tugged her arm, and pointed to his chair. "... What is it?" "I found something reaaally suspicious! Just thinking to show you!" The male smiled and dragged her there. And on the chair that Kokichi sat on, there was a poison bottle.

"Is this from Shuichi's lab?" Milina asked, picking up the item. "This is one of the lethal poison... it becomes neutralize when it's mixed, so it has to be taken directly..." The brunette muttered again, understanding what the poison would do. "Also, it could cause a small blood vessel under the conjunctiva to explode... which makes the white of your eyes turn blood red." "That's everything?" Milina asked as the boy nods. "So, have any ideas who put it there?" "... I don't know who did it... but I do know it's your seat, Kokichi..." The brunette sighed, and gazed over to the Monopad. "Come on! Stop being such an emo! You're becoming the emo detective!" The male pouted.

"We need to solve this case. If we don't then we will all be executed." Milina said curtly. "I'm sure you and Shuichi will figure the case out, you always do. But I can tell this case will be interesting." Kokichi said as he put his finger across his lips. The liar pocketed the small bottle, figuring it would be useful later on. She walked back over to the corpses, mainly to get a better look at Miu's eyes. They weren't blood shot like Kokichi like they were would be if someone had used to the poison. Miu looked like she was pulling at something that was strangling her rather than covering her mouth or something that could show she was being poisoned. "Maybe the poison wasn't used then?" The brunette muttered to herself. She looked over and saw Maki clicking away at the computer. Milina approached the assassin. "Found anything on there, Maki?"

"Not much, it's just a lot of code that I can't understand. Everything's glitchy and I tried taping on some folders but they would just freeze the computer." The long haired girl sighed, looking slightly frustrated at the machine. "Though, I found out the name of the base of this simulator. It's called the Neo World Program. It also details a few things. Like how any harm that comes to your body in the virtual world will affect your real body. But let's say if you died in the Virtual World, you would die from shock in the real world." Maki finished explaining, glancing over at the corpses of the inventor and the pilot. "Ah, that makes a lot of sense. I mean if all your senses are connected, anything that happens to you in the Virtual World would happen out here. Like how we could feel the cold. It kind of explains a few things. Thank you, Maki." Milina said, mustering up the best smile she could. Maki just shook her head and looked away, seemingly being able to see right through the girls face though not wanting to address it. "Ooooo, so maybe they got attacked in the fake world and then died out here." Kokichi hummed as he bounced into the conversation after talking with Shuichi. Maki sent him a glare but didn't say anything. "Are you sure that the information is true though?" Kokichi asked innocently, earning a slightly confused look from both of the girls. "I mean like, what if the information was rewritten and covered with fake info." "That...could be possible. Someone who had extreme knowledge in code would have to do that though. But none of us know that much about stuff like this, I doubt would could figure anything out" The assassin said, shaking her head. As she finished her sentence the forgetful red and white Monokuma spoke up from behind them. "This looks like a job for... me!" Monotaro exclaimed with his arms cross confidently.

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