Chapter 5

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"OH SH-"
You then blanked out, the world at first normal then turning pitch black.

You awoke in a room, thankfully yours. You thought maybe what happened was just some sort of dream. But that theory was proven wrong by Charlie coming to check in on you and asking what happened and if you were alright and such. You turned to her and for the first time you said:
"No. I'm not alright."

Charlie sat down at the foot of your bed and proceeded to ask what was wrong.

"Your father is here, I was warned about him by some fucking stuffed bunny in this weird mirror realm, AND I HAVE FELT LIKE I HAVE BEEN STALKED FOR A WHILE NOW!"

You take a deep breath, trying to calm down and keep the salty tears from spilling.

"I'm not ok..."

Charlie then hugged you and started patting your back, trying to comfort you. "I'm sorry (Y/N)..."

(Hahaha people give me ideas below for more shit I'm running out)

You hugged her back and took deep shaky breaths, your chest and throat hurt and your eyes burned like fire, begging to be put out. You of course didnt comply, not wanting to worry the poor girl even more. You gave her a pat in return to say that you were feeling better when you really weren't. She nodded and walked over to a chair in the corner of the room and sat there.

"What are you doing Charlie?"

"Since you said you feel like you are being watched then why not have a friend be here to make you feel safer?"

You smiled at her kind gesture and nodded, thanking her silently.

"Its nothing (Y/N), especially compared to all you have done to try and help."

You ahake your head slightly and lay back down on the comfy cloud like mattress. It didn't take long for you to sleep this time.


You saw her again. It was the white bunny.
She had her back turned to you, but she had a few more stitches oozing blood.
"Beware the man in white."
You started walking toward her, compelled to see her face and speak to her.
"He wants to deceive you. He wants to use you."
You took a deep breath of the moldy smelling air.
"What do you mean? Use me? What use am I to the king of Hell?"
She stopped for a minute.
"All will become clear soon enough. Dont let him use you. Dont make a deal with him. Run."
"Wait, what?"
She suddenly turned to you, her face was all stitched up like someine tore it apart then tried to fix it, blood oozing from the stitches, thick and clotted. Her eye was no longer there and her button was ripped off and put back on her neck, like someone was trying to change her into a more... Stuffed animal appearance. As if she didnt look good enough.

You heeded her words and ran as fast as you could, but away from her. You started running toward a snake, holding an apple up with its tail, looking at you and silently urging you to take a bite of said apple.
You went for it.
Being the stupid demon you are you went for it.
You started closing in on the snake and the apple, but something else was closing in on you as well, you could feel something right behind you, following you.
Watching you.

You kept running, you didnt dare stop nor slow down.
Once you got there you closed your eyes for one second, the snake had now shifted into...
The unknown being looked at you and smiled like they were about to eat you whole. They offered you the apple and you hesitated but you took it.
You looked at the replica of you who had a phsycotic look on their face.
You could see the pain in their eyes.
They urged you to take a bite of the apple, saying all of your dreams would come true and you would finally know why all the bad things that had happened to you happened.
You looked at the apple for a split second but tossed it to the side and hugged your twin.

~~{>DREAM END<}~~

You woke up slowly, like a normal person for once. The room was dimly lit and your eyes glowed slightly in the darkness. Your built in heat vision aided in seeing the living things in your room. Charlie was still in the chair, but she was asleep now. You smiled then got up and proceeded to grab a blanket and put it over the sleeping princess.

You changed and left the room, closing the door behind you carefully. You walked down the staircase and all around the hotel, exploring every inch of it you could. You then finally retreated back into the lobby.

You then sat on the old couch with patches and stitches all over it. You closed your eyes and leaned your head back onto the back of the couch and rested for a bit. You remembered the dream, or was it a nightmare? All you know was that you werent as scared and that you didnt wake up with a start like you usually do. It was a nice change.

After a few minutes you could smell something like... Apples and cinnamon?

You opened your eyes and turned to where the smell was coming from to see a figure retreat into the kitchen, a faint hissing sound following them.

Your instincts slightly wanted to follow the smell and the sound, to follow the mysterious person, but they also screamed danger and to run. You took the first ones advise and followed it, wanting to know what it was.

You followed the scent which soon included the scent of bacon and eggs and things. Your tongue kept flicking, catching the scent trail for you to follow. (Snakes use their tongue to smell so you gonna do that too cuz why not?)

You finally walked into the kitchen to see Lucifer in his vest and undershirt, cooking eggs and bacon in a skillet. He had blonde hair and had fill like features just like Charlie, he didnt have his top hat on at the moment.

"Hello (Y/N)" he soon said, not even turning in your direction.

You were confused. How did he know it was you without even turning around?

"Are you hungry?"

You snapped out of your thoughts and confusion and payed attention to the fallen angel in front of you. He had gotten slightly closer, his hands on his hips like a sassy lady.

"U-um, n-no sir... But thank y-you for the thought..." You stuttered out, slowly retreating.

He smiled at you and nodded, turning back to his cooking. 'He doesn't seem so bad...' You thought but quickly shook out of your head.

'The Hell me??? What are you thinking?!?'

You decided to walk back up to your room as everyone else woke up, smelled the food and rushed down the steps to see who was cooking and eat. You of course just stayed in your room, not trusting yourself anywhere near the fallen angel that was still in the hotel.


I have started SCP one shot book thing go ahead to that if ya want Idk how this works but idc just go ahead of don't. Here is this chapter. I might be a little delayed on more updates lot this cuz things going on over here and having more then one the to update.*

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