19: syniro Hybrids

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The man in front of the door stepped forward. taehyung shook his head and pushed the door to close it. But the man put his foot in the way.

"p-please leave" taehyung said pushing the door to not let them enter. But a second man joined and they forcefully pushed the door open making taehyung stumble back on the floor.

"get the things" one said and the second man nodded walking to their van.

"be a good cat and don't move" the man said approaching taehyung.

But taehyung didn't want that and he jumped up dodging the man's arm and started running back into the house.

"kookie!" he shouted walking around the couch.

"don't make a fuss" the man said annoyed. It was supposed to be easy but this hybrid was learned wrong.

Hybrids should obey. They shouldn't be having free will like this one.

"Kookie help!" taehyung shouted again. And within two seconds the two heard someone run down the stairs so fast you would expect them to trip and fall.

Jungkook appeared at the stairs and saw taehyung and a unknown man circling around the couch.

"Tae come here" jungkook said and taehyung was fast to run to him and hide behind his back.

"are you Jeon?" the man asked.

"i am, what is the meaning of this?"

"we have been send to take the hybrid V. As we messaged you about earlier."

"i didn't receive anything" jungkook squinted his eyes. He could feel taehyung hold his hand.

"we did, check you email"

Jungkook frowned and took his phone. Keeping a eye on the man at the same time. He checked his email and saw one unopened. He must have missed that one.

"you are not taking him" jungkook said after reading the email about then coming earlier to get V.

"we are, V haven't been paid for and he will be taken back until debt is paid and the strike has been sit" the man said.

"i will pay right now. But you are not taking him, he is mine now"

"no he isn't. He is property of Syniro Hybrids."

"he isnt a fucking toy. He is a living being with a heart. Don't talk about him like that" jungkook said angry.

"annyway, V come with me" the man ignored jungkook and looked at the hybrid.

Taehyung shook his head and walked back.

"don't come closer" Jungkook said spreading a arm to block the man from reaching taehyung.

"sir if you don't let us do our job we will call the police"

The man had already a cellphone out with the number.

They came prepared.

Jungkook groaned and lowered his arm.

If he got the cops after him he will never be able to get taehyung back. He will be living in prison for the rest of his life.

It would also be too obvious to kill these two men. Syniro will know and connect the dots in no time. It was too risky.

Jungkook was basically trapped now. He couldn't do anything.

If he wasn't a criminal he would have beaten those men up and just go to prison and let himself bail out.

And if he knew earlier that those men were coming he would be prepared. He could have hide taehyung. He could pretend not being home.

He would have done something.

"Han get the cat" the first man said and the guy named Han approached taehyung.

"n-no kookie!" taehyung said scared he gripped jungkook's shirt tightly trying to avoid the man.

"Tae im so sorry" Jungkook whispered. "but i will get you back, just hold on for a while. I will i just can't do anything now."

"don't let them take me...Y-you promised" taehyung teared up and ran away when the man wanted to grab him.

Jungkook looked with a painful heart at the scene. He wanted to hold taehyung and kill those men.

But he couldn't do that. he couldn't do anything.

"don't touch me!" taehyung shouted when Han grabbed his arm. The man pulled him back and clicked a new collar around his neck.

"don't be so rough. He is fragile" jungkook said with dark eyes. He was doing everything to hold himself back from attacking those men.

"don't worry about them, they can take more that you think" the first man said and walked to the door.

"lets go"

"j-jungkook please!" taehyung tried again whole being pulled after the man. Han looked back annoyed and harshly tugged the leash making taehyung fall on the ground.

"dont!" jungkook said worried and ran to taehyung.

"tae, i will get you back i promise. I promise" jungkook said. It didn't take long for the man to push Jungkook away.

"taetae is scared" taehyung said looking at Jungkook.

Then the man picked him up. He struggled around clawing at the man's faces but they didn't let go. They put him in the back of the van and closed the doors.

Jungkook watched on the verge of crying when they drove away.

This time he didn't waste a second before running back inside and het his phone. He was going to call the company immediately.


Those two were shorter updates that usual.

But i hope they were alright.

Thank you for reading again, i will update as soon i can!


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