23: new

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"no no, i don't want to go!" taehyung said trying to run off. But the men had got him tightly.

"you are coming with us" a man said. In front of the exit stood Seongi with a wide grin.

"noo, let me go. I don't want to. Mean people!" taehyung said. He felt scared that if they took him he will never see Jungkook again.

The doors of the van opened and taehyung was trying to scream and kick the people. He even bit one man's finger. But they were though and didn't let go for a second of the hybrid.

They threw taehyung in the back accompanied by one of the men.

"finally i got you" seongi said looking at the hybrid that was almost crying and held his shoulder that hurted from being thrown in the van.

Then the doors closed.


"Jungkook, seongi just took Taehyung from the company" Yoongi said as he entered the house.

"okay then we should quickly start the plan." Jungkook said and walked to the window.

They need to be prepared. Because it wasn't going to be easy. Seongi wasn't a regular person which the expected.

They had to be careful, maybe sneak up on the building? Or just barge in? It was a difficult decision.

Maybe both..

"guys" Jungkook turned around to the others who were waiting what to do.

"we split up, four attack directly. The other two, including me will try to sneak inside and search the document and taehyung."

"sounds good to me" Hoseok said. "im ready let's go"

"yoongi what was the location?" Jungkook asked looking at yoongi. He too was more than ready to go. They can't waste any time. He wanted to get taehyung out of there before they can do anything to him.


"taetae sad..." taehyung said wrapping his arms around him. He was in a unknown house, a room. And he didn't like it.

He had his ears against his head and tail close against his body making himself small.

"V, how nice to see you" seongi barged in the room and taehyung flinched back.

"don't run from me, come here" seongi said with a grin.

"you bad man, i want kookie" taehyung said and shook his head.

"he doesn't love you V" seongi said kneeling in front of taehyung who was in a corner.

"he does, and i love him"

"no V, he doesn't. He promised to protect you didn't he?"

"yes, but-"

"i dont see and Jungkook here? He didn't even came to visit you the other day. He just let go get taken away"

"...Kookie will come....I know he will" taehyung said softly.

"and what makes you think that?" seongi chuckled and touched taehyung's fluffy ear.

"he-he loves me. Kookie loves me"

"he doesnt V, get that in your head"

"no!" taehyung shouted and frowned confused. "don't say that"

"then why doesn't he marry you? Of you love someone you marry that person"

Taehyung fell silent. He remembered asking Jungkook that.

"then be more than a boyfriend" taehyung said while watching jungkook make many bubbles.

"there isn't more than a boy-..." Jungkook stopped himself and looked at Taehyung.

"not husband?" taehyung asked a bit confused. He thought that was a next step in a relationship.

"husband..." jungkook mumbled and turned off the water. "its possible"

"i want to be your husband. Then i can be all yours, and you mine forever!" taehyung said excited. He would really like that.

"maybe" Jungkook said and took off his shirt.'

Jungkook didn't look happy when taehyung asked that. He just said 'maybe'.

"see, he doesn't. You know i'm right. Your stupid kookie wont come for you. He had enough of you." seongi said and taehyung teared up. "he was using you for pleasure"


"give up on him, he doesn't love you. And he will never marry you"

"stop...He...He loves me..I know he does" taehyung said and wiped a tear away. He didn't want to believe his words.

"then why didn't he come for the the first time, when the uncle had you. He never came to look for you" seongi continued. He grinned seeing taehyung's face change to a sad one.

"and when you came back and found out you still love him. He just went on with it and used you for pleasure. You are just a slut to him...A pet"

Taehyung didn't respond but only stared at the ground in silence.

"good, now you belong to me. Give yourself up. You didn't have a future to begin with. This is what you are made for V....Follow orders, fulfill needs." seongi's grin disappeared and he stood up.

"i dont like you.." taehyung whispered softly.

"i never asked you to like me" seongi turned to the door. "get him ready"


"why the fuck lives that dude so far?" Jimin complained sitting next to Yoongi.

"same reason we lived far" yoongi replied.

"well yea....I get that, but its annoying"

"not everything is easy"

"you are easy"

"the fuck does that mean?" yoongi said with a frown.

"it's easy to get you in bed" jimin said wiggling his brows.

"okay stop the dirty talk, let's finish this and then i will jump in our bed" yoongi said bit but his lip after with a grin.


Double updating today!

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