(end) 41: KOOKIE ∞ V

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(its the last chapter.....ಥ_ಥ)
Its been a while. The two had never been happier. Maybe it was because Jungkook had stepped out of the underworld business. Because of Taehyung, he wanted to keep him safe and he feared that staying to work in that business there would not garantee his safety. So he stopped.
But he knows that one cant fully leave from something like that.

And for Taehyung, he was having the time of his life. He was worried for Jungkook when he head that the older wanted to stop his work. He didnt want to force jungkook to stop doing what he liked. But even so, taehyung was glad he did. Now he was sure jungkook wouldnt come home hurt. He was at home calm whenever jungkook left for the store or something else.

And besides that he was clinging currently on Jungkook's back as they walked over the beach.

"this is nice" taehyung said his head rested on Jungkooks shoulder as he stared at the sea they walked by.

"mhm" Jungkook hummed as he walked. His feet feeling the soft warm sand he smiled everytime he saw the shiny ring around the Hybrids finger. It assured him everytime that this beautiful boy was his. Taehyung was very special to him.

He never want to be without him. They will be together untill the end, nothing can seperate them anymore. They belonged together.

"put me down, big bunny" taehyung said tapping Jungkooks back.
The older did as his baby told and lowered himself gently letting the hybrid off his back.

Taehyung walked to the sea when a wave came and let his feet get wet. He giggled feeling the cold water between his toes.

"kookoo, come here" taehyung said motioning his husband to come next to him. Jungkook being the whipped man he is immediately went to stand next to him.

"im happy"

"i glad you are."

"i know i keep saying this, but its true. I want you to know im okay now, that i am happy. Dont feel forced to do anything"

"if you are talking about my work, dont feel bothered of it, love. " jungkook said and caressed Taehyungs fluffy white ears. "it was my decision. I want a new life. With you, i want to be a good husband. Your husband. I want to love you, go to cinemas, fairs, vacation. I dont want to feel stressed by work all the time. I saved enough money to support us for years, dont worry baby tiger"

"hm, if you say so..." taehyung said. He wrapped is arms around Jungkook's waist and hugged him. His cheek against the tallers chest.

"i want to be with you, thats all. Its my choice and i dont gegret it"

"taetae believe you, kissie?" taehyung said looking up. His chin against Jungkooks chest. Jungkook smiled seeing the pouted lips of the boy and bend down a bit to kiss him.

"watch it!" taehyung laughed splashing Jungkook with water and then started running.

"Tae!" jungkook looked at the running boy and lifted a brow before chasing after him. He easily catched up and grabbed the boy. But they ended up tripping.

The two laughed and fell onto the sand. Jungkook flipped them over having Taehyung under him. He smiled and kissed him.

The hybrid melted and cupped Jungkook's face with bith his hands. His heart warming at the ravens action.

Then they parted and they stared in eachothers eyes. Jungkooks dark ones staring at those beautiful Blue ones.

Taehyung then poked his fingers in Jungkook's sides making the older suddenly flinch and laugh. He rolled on his back next to the hybrid covering his sides.

"ooh is kookie ticklish? Thats cute" taehyung gigged.

"hm shut up" jungkook said chuckling. His hand reached for Taehyungs and intertwined their fingers. The rings touching in the grip.

"i love you V"

"i love you too Kookie"

"and i still love you as Taehyung" jungkook smiled as the sun had almost dissapeared behind the horizon. Sending this beautiful light onto his husband next to him.

"and i love you Jungkook"

They smiled and watched the orange sky slowly turn into the starry night sky above them.

Its....The end.




I loved this story so l much. I had so much fun writing it, i thank you all so so so much for reading this second story. I really appreciate every single one of you, im happy you went through this journey of a story with me.

Again i thank you so much for the support and reading! Stay healthy and be happy. And maybe i can welcome you again in a other story.


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