35: proud

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Taehyung was ready awake. He layed in Jungkooks arms. But the other didnt wake up yet. 

Taehyung peeked down seeing the sun was rising above the sea. He wanted jungkook to see it. But he didnt want to wake him. 

Jungkook was sleeping so tight. His arms relaxed on Taehyungs body while the hybrid had his back against the other. 

The hybrid slowly moved away whimpering when he felt the last part of the now soft member slipped out of his hole

He took a moment before crawling out of the tent onto the sand and flop down. Putting on Jungkook's sweater. He pulled the edge over his knees to cover his whole body as he watched the small waves and rising sun.

"happy Taetae" he said softly looking at the ring around his finger. He smiled. Finally he was Jungkook's with his all. And jungkook was his. 

They will be together. Because he will always be Jeon Jungkook's hybrid.

Suddenly taehyung felt two arms wrap around him. A head on his shoulder.

"morning Taebear" 

"good morning Kookoo" Taehyung said leaning into Jungkook's hold. He rubbed his cheek against Jungkook's making the older smile as well.

"pretty sky" Taehyung said pointing at the rising sun. Jungkook hummed looking at it.

"you are more pretty tho" Jungkook said softly kissing Taehyung's neck. 

"i am kinda hungry. But i want to cuddle more" taehyung said pouting a bit. 

"we can do both."

"but how,it will be difficult"

"i will feed you while i hold you." Jungkook said rubbing circles with his thumb.

"i would like that" taehyung smiled looking up to the side to see jungkook smile at him. The older pecked his lips making the hybrid smile even wider.

The two watched until the sun was all above the sending her bright light onto the ground before they stood op.

Taehyung kept looking and feeling the ring with such a happy face that it made jungkook's heart warm. 

He made the right choice, Taehyung was indeed who he wanted to be with forever. 

"i love you so much, Tae" jungkook said while he collected their own stuff. Which were only clothes and shoes actually.

"i love kookoo to!" taehyung responded back and hugged jungkook. Wrapping his arms around his waist and pressing his face in his back.

"i am so lucky to have you, really" Jungkook chuckled. He hoped taehyung would stay like this cute fluff ball some longer. He couldnt get enough of it.


And so now the two sat on the couch. Taehyung leaning against Jungkook who had a arm wrapped around him. The hybrid's tail around his biceps. 

Jungkook fed taehyung piece's of the pancakes he baked. 

"more syrup" taehyung said.


"but i want more sweet" 

"you will get stomachache"

"no i wont"

"tae. Last time you got it, so no more syrup. This is more than enough already" jungkook said getting another piece with his fork. 

"okay...You are right" taehyung said and looked at jungkook eat.

"here" the taller gave taehyung another bite who happily accepted it.

"if i get sick..Kookie will take care of my right?"

"of course i will" jungkook caressed Taehyung's shoulder and pecked his cheek.

"i like this"  taehyung said looking at the now empty plate. "being here with you. Cuddles, kisses, everything"

"me too love" 


"so how was your night?" Jimin asked as he sat inside Jeongguk's and Taehyung's house.

He didnt get invited, but he just invited himself.  

"it was fun, i am so happy" taehyung said.

"we defenitly had fun last night" Jungkook said getting a gasp from Taehyung who smacked his arm. 

"dont tell them!"


"so you two....On the beach?"

"well in the tent. So technically not 'on' the beach" jungkook said with a shrug.

"dont talk about it. Im shy" taehyung said with a pout. It made his feel embarrassed when they talked about things like that.

"when will you plan the wedding?" Jimin asked sitting on the kitchen table.

"very soon, i want to marry already." Jungkook said and taehyung smiled bright. He loved hearing that. 

"tomorrow?" the hybrid asked.

"woah woah, thats way too fast. I didnt even get a suit yet." 

"Tae we will find you the perfect outfit for the wedding soon."Jimin said looking at the hybrid.


"then i will go with Hoseok" jungkook said.

"can we marry on the beach?" taehyung asked his lover.


"with flowers?"


"and, and cake?"

"whatever you want" jungkook smiled pecking taehyung's lips. But the hybrid didnt want to stop at that he kissed jungkook again cupping his face.

"okay, and im out of here" jimin said hopping off the table to the door.

the two ignored jimin as jungkook sat up pushing taehyung down on his back hovering over him. Their lips not parting.


I uwu while writing Taehyung's sentences.
He is so fluffy. I want to squish his cheeks like i want to squish Jimin's cheeks.

Annyway there will be a few more chapters. To the wedding preperations, wedding itself. And some after the wedding.

There isnt much else to add here i think thats it and its ready for a end.

But for now not yet, i hope to see u again at the next update!

JEON'S HYBRID 2 [vkook]Where stories live. Discover now