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'Mirai-san! Over here!' Said girl turned her head to see Kuroo waving and jumping down the street, an entire squad of impossibly tall boys surrounding him.

Kana and Tsuna shot her envious glances, and all but pushed her toward the other volleyball team. No one saw Fujimori's glare from where she stood, half-hidden, behind the school gates.

Kuroo grabbed her by the shoulders, 'Team, this is Ito Mirai, call her Mirai, the new libero of the girls' team. She is going to be walking back with us after today, probably. Are you?'

Mirai shrugged, 'Why not?' She gave the others a quick once over as they introduced themselves.

A lanky, silver-haired giant, Lev, was smiling ear-to-ear, eyes shining as he waved enthusiastically, bonking Fukunaga on the head. Fukunaga moved silently out of the way, Mirai liked him. The one with the mohawk, Yamamoto, or Tora, was screaming, so she inched away from the deafening sound, almost crashing into Kenma. Kai just smiled, Mirai rather liked him too. Yaku, noticeably the shortest boy there, was frowning, staring intensely at her head, which rather weirded her out. The first-years, Inuoka, Teshiro and Shibayama, were considerably tamer and quieter, she waved at them, which made Yamamoto screech louder.

'Mirai-senpai! Teach me how to spike!' Lev bounded up.

'She's a libero, idiot!' Yaku spun and aimed a kick at him.

'Receives then! You look so much nicer than Yaku-san, taller too!' He undoubtedly got another kick.

'Date me!' Mohawk dude leapt at her, reminding her a lot of Noya and his friend. She made a mental note to call them when she got home.

Kuroo caught Kenma's irritated expression and stepped in to push Yamamoto away, 'Come on, it's getting late!'

When things got awkward, Yaku staring straight at her with a peculiar expression, Yamamoto growling and stalking around the group, Mirai pulled out a giant bag of gummi bears and started picking out the green ones to pop into her mouth as she walked between Kuroo and Kai.

It was a habit, for her to snack on different candies when she didn't know what else to do, which was fairly often, one that her friends marveled at, since she didn't have an ounce of extra fat. And she never ever shared.

Well, she didn't share most of the time anyways. The impossibly tall first-year loomed over her, with adorable kitten eyes, asking for a gummy. She obviously couldn't resist his charm and passed him a handful, soon everyone were crowding around her for some. Except for Yaku, still eying her distrustfully, and Kenma, fixated on his game.

Their group got smaller and smaller as they passed more houses and intersections. When it was just Mirai and her neighbours left, the gummies disappeared from her bag at an increasingly fast rate. Kenma practically fled through the door into his house when they arrived.

'So, what did you think of school?' Kuroo had invited himself over to Mirai's as it was 'his duty as a senpai to new students', 'And the volleyball teams?'

The girl gnawed on a huge chunk of chocolate as she studied her homework, 'School was fine, pretty much the same as Seijou. Volleyball too, Ichika-san seemed pretty impressed.'

'Make any new friends?' The rooster prodded, science book balanced on one palm as he lay sprawled on the floor.

'I guess, does it count if they won't leave me alone?' Kuroo chuckled. 'I don't think Fujimori likes me much though.'

'Ah, the libero. She's pretty annoying actually, I keep catch her staring at Kenma and I during break and lunch. You're her competition, much stronger competition, makes sense she doesn't like you.'

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