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'The list is here! Ichika!' Nobu hurtled into the gym, a thin sheet of paper scrunched up in her hand. Her twin jogged in after her, looking slightly interested for once.

She reminded Mirai of Kunimi, though his indifference was just laziness, she didn't seem like a lazy person.

The captain snatched the list, examining it closely.

'Good, we're not facing any other powerhouses the first match, Randamu High.'

'Poor Nohebi, I wouldn't want to battle Fukurodani first thing,' Nozomi muttered.

Mirai paused her practice to take a look, and recognized none of the schools. She never got to go to nationals last year, they had lost to the Queens in the finals. Hopefully, this year would be different.

'Right, just because it's not a powerhouse school, doesn't mean we can slack off. Everyone five laps around the school before we continue!'

After practice, they hung around the track field, waiting for the bell to ring. 'I can't wait!' Kana squealed, 'I want to finally beat that annoying Domen Remi. She didn't have to be so smug about beating us once by a measly three points.'

'Which school is she from?'

'Shinzen High, we lost to them during prelims.' Tsuna mumbled.

'So they're the best in Tokyo?' She really had to do more research on the local teams.

'Nah, it's Fukurodani, you might know Bokuto from their boys' team.'

'Better train more then... Hey, Tsuna, help me with something afterschool.' The libero suddenly thought of something Oikawa taught her way back when she first hurt her hand, it would give her an edge over her rival for the starting position. And their actual rivals in the prelims of course.

'Okay, sure!' Came the immediate reply.

The bell started clanging, and Mirai shivered, she never did like the sound of it. The girls made their way back to their respective classrooms, ready for a long long day of classes.

'Good morning, Kozume-san.' The boy was gaming again, waiting for the teacher to arrive. He usually kept at it after the teacher came too, she never sneaked, it provided good entertainment when she wanted to fall asleep.

She should probably tell Kunimi to find someone to game during class so he wouldn't doze off. If he wasn't going to pay attention anyways, why not? (She wasn't a very good senpai)

He hummed, barely acknowledging her presence. Mirai felt the same plunge of disappointment, the same one everytime he ignored her.

At the same time, Kenma kept his attention firmly focused on the flashing screen.

Don't look at her, don't look at her, don't look at her.

To his horror, his face only grew redder and redder under his tablemate's stare.

Focus on the game, dodge, roll, dodge again, is she still looking?

He let out a huge silent sigh of relief when the teacher finally arrived and distracted her.


The school cafeteria was brimming with students, famished after hours of sitting at a desk. Kenma veered away from the crowd, and headed for the roof, the calm, empty roof where he spent his lunchtime everyday.

It wasn't a bad spot, there was always a cool breeze, and he could sit in the shade of a tall oak growing next to the school.

'Kenma! I brought your lunch too!' Kuroo waved a beautifully wrapped lunchbox in the air as he ascended the rest of the stairs.

Conquest ۞ Haikyuu! Kenma X OC (on hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now