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'The girls are stuck with drills for the rest of the day, but they'll come over later. And... I brought apple pie!' Kuroo barged into Mirai's room with Kenma in tow, holding the still hot pastry, 'So you can cheer up and stop moping.'

'Tousan is mad, my leg hurts like hell, I'm stuck in my room without a phone, kindle or television, and I'm banned from volleyball for the rest of high school, now why would I be moping?'

Her father had rushed into the clinic, fussed over her for some time, then immediately got to yelling at her, he didn't stop even when he was driving, or helping her up the stairs, or taking away her gadgets.

'You can eat pie instead.'

Mirai hmphed, but still accepted a huge slice of the cinnamon apple delicacy, her troubles momentarily forgotten as the first forkful dissolved in her mouth.

'Dais ish gwate,' her words indecipherable due to the amount of dessert being chewed.

'Thank Kenma, he made it.'

She swallowed, 'Thank you Kozume-san, it tastes amazing, you're a great baker.' Kuroo pretended not to see the faint dusting of pink on her cheeks, a wide cat grin stretching over his face.

'O-Oh, thanks.' Kenma's face was equally flushed now, and he retreated behind his childhood friend's back.

The rooster-head laughed his signature hyena laugh, earning him a whack upside the head from the creeped out Mirai. 'Mirai-chan~ that hurt. Kenma stayed up till three making the preparations for that pie, so you'd better enjoy it.'

'But why- Oh, it was for after the match.'

Kuroo mentally facepalmed, after all that trouble trying to make her forget about the prelims, he had to go mess it up.

'Did we win? I'm judging by your faces that we didn't,' the libero sighed, 'How am I going to apologize to the team on Monday...'

'It's not your fault for getting hurt!' A small voice burst out, surprising the two dark-haired high schoolers, himself most of all. He let out a small 'eep', and disappeared again.

It's obvious they're crushing on each other, all they need is a little push to spend some time getting to know each other, they'll come together naturally, the third-year grinned smugly.

'Wipe that weird ass smile off your face.' He ducked the pillow thrown at him, only for it to hit the pudding-head.

'Gomen gomen gomen, Kozume-san, gomenasai!' Mirai's face were practically on fire, as she bowed deeply in her seat multiple times. Kenma instead was frantically shaking his head, scarlet ears standing out in stark contrast with his blonde hair.

Five minutes later...

'Boy am I glad that was over, what do you want to do now, gadgetless Mirai-chan?' Kuroo commandeered all the cushions in the room, perching on the giant fluffy pile.

'I will steal your phone so I can check who won the Miyagi finals, it should've ended,' Mirai couldn't live without her phone, she would die of boredom. And Oikawa normally called after every single match, annoying the hell out of her. Now that she didn't have her phone, Mirai was getting edgy.

Plus, she kind of forgot with everything going on.

'Kenma can do that, he's quick with stuff like that.' He was lodged in the corner, curled up in a ball. He reluctantly logged out of his game, fiddled with the screen a bit before announcing Shiratorizawa and Niiyama the winners.

The former Seijou student groaned, flopped onto the bed, and plopped her pillow onto her face.

'Mira-' A muffled scream cut Kuroo off.

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