!First Meet up!

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As the sun shines bright through out the day, a beautiful country walks by, she wore a red jacket, black shirt and gray shorts and boots, the woman was focused on her phone that she was holding, not being aware of her surroundings. This woman's name was America, daughter of Britain and France, the one and only. She has a huge reputation, she has many friends but also have many enemies, as she was focused on her phone, she bumped onto a red outstanding country.

She bumped into China, the one and only, America end up falling down,  catching her phone. "Oh god-!" she said as she was relived that she managed to catch her precious phone before it fallen down. "Miss, are you alright?" a deep, HOT, voice spoke up infront of her, offering their hand. America ends up looking up at the man, she was surprised to see China as she held his hand and stands up. "A-ah, yes, I'm alright." she said with a soft smile. 

"What's your name? My name is China." The deep voiced man said as he shoves his hands at his pockets, smiling at the pretty lady that was infront of him. "I'm America, it's nice to meet you, China." she said in a sweet, loving tone as she was slightly blushing, starstruck. 

"How are you?" China asked as he was a little nervous, really not knowing how to start up a conversation as he gulped down his saliva, it was obvious for America that he was nervous as she chuckled lightly. "I'm fine, but I should be the one asking you that! are you okay? Is something wrong? you seem nervous." America said as she chuckled lightly, beginning to walk with the man. 

"Oh, nothing's wrong beautiful lady, I'm just nervous, I just don't know how to talk to girls that well." China said as he chuckled lightly, but deep down, he DOES know, but HE only use those things whenever he's interested on the woman, deep down he only sees America as a basic female, he didn't really find anything interesting about her. 

"Pfft, Don't worry! you don't have to be nervous around me, I'm chill." America said at him as she gave a sweet smile. "Wanna go out for boba?" she asked in a curious tone, giving him once again, a sweet, kind smile. 

"Ah, sure!" China simply agreed as he observes America's actions. 'She's one of those smiling females, hm?- I guess nothing really interesting is with her, but I won't be so quick to judge, maybe once I get to know her more, I might find something interesting.' he said in his mind as he shrugged. 

The two arrived at the cafe, America walking to the counter as she looks over at China. "What flavor do you want to want?" America asked in a sweet tone, waiting for his answer as she gave a stare. "Oh, I'll just get the regular one, I'll pay." China said with a smile as he didn't really think much of it. "Oh! don't worry, I got it, you don't need to pay for it." America said as she took out her wallet, pulling out her credit card. "One regular and One Chocolate please, thank you." she said as she swiped the card. "You seem interesting, China. I would like to hangout with you more!" America said as the both of them waited for their drinks. "Oh, you too. When can we meet again?" China asked, though he didn't really  think much of her, but eh, he isn't really doing anything so he figured, why not? "Oh! maybe later this Sunday?" America asked in glee as she looks over at the man, waiting for his response. 

"Oh, Sure! why not, what will we be doing, then?" China asked as the drinks arrived, taking his and taking a small sip. "Maybe uh- some fun activities! Like, Go to a theme park, Hangout  with Russia and Japan-" America was cut off by China. "Wait, you know them?" China asked in a surprised tone. "Well yeah, of course I do! they're like- my friends." she said as she giggled softly. "As I was saying, Theme park, hangout with Russia and Japan, Go to the cinema and watch movies, maybe, and also sleep over!" America said in excitement as China asked, once again. "Sleep over at whom's house?" he asked, looking at her. "Hm..I'm not sure yet but, I'll inform Russia and Japan about this and once we three decided who's house, I'll inform you!" The female cooed as she grabbed her own drink, taking a sip. "Oh, well- can I have your number then?" China asked as he pulls out his phone.

The two exchanged numbers as they both chattered and talked about a few things before going separate ways. China went back to his house while America did the same.

America chatted Russia and Japan first, by making a group in Pass Messages(I'm bad with app names, AHuhssd-).

{The Conversation}
America is Typing..

America: Hey guyyysss! How are ya'll?
*Seen by Russia and Japan*
Japan is Typing..
Japan: Ohayo America-Chan! I'm feeling good!
Russia is Typing..
Russia: What is this for, America? 
America is Typing..
America: Oh, right! I met a guy named China! and I said-

America explained to Russia and Japan, telling the activities as Japan said they could come over and do the sleep over at her house.

Japan, being a nice person that she is did that but, she didn't like the thought of China being there, she knew what he did back in the past, she is somehow afraid that when America and China gets closer, America will fall for him and be one of his 'toys'. So she needs to warn her before it actually happened.

Russia was worrying about the same thing, sure he didn't like America that much but he cares about her, just a little bit, since she IS his friend and he wants to look after her and make sure she's hanging out with the right guy. But either way, he'll have to see if something goes on between the two.
China on the other hand didn't really think much of it as he was busy with Vietnam, currently, he took Vietnam due to her beauty and selfless ways that would make his heart explode into a million pieces, China took care of Vietnam, it was like she was one of the precious gem, an innocent, precious gem.

Little did he know, Vietnam is nothing but a slut. She was only using him for money and fame, she didn't really care about his feelings, she only plays nice and sweet towards him for the money he keeps giving to her, she didn't really love him at all, well. She used to love him, but now? not anymore. 

(AHAHAHA YES- I FINISHED THIS FIRST CHAPTER WITHOUT BEING A LAZY MF- :3 next chapter will be out soon, ahuhuhuu-)

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